Windows 7 Ultimate 32/64 Bit deutsch Posted: 15 Feb 2010 12:55 PM PST Windows 7 Ultimate  Die umfassendste Edition von Windows 7 Windows 7 Ultimate ist die vielseitigste und leistungsfähigste Edition von Windows 7. Sie kombiniert die bemerkenswerte Benutzerfreundlichkeit der Unterhaltungsfunktionen von Home Premium mit den unternehmensorientierten Funktionen von Professional, wozu auch die Fähigkeit zum Ausführen zahlreicher Windows XP-Produktivitätsprogramme im Windows XP-Modus gehört. Für mehr Sicherheit können Sie Ihre Daten auch mit BitLocker und Bitlocker To Go verschlüsseln. Und zur Erhöhung der Flexibilität können Sie in einer beliebigen von 35 Sprachen arbeiten. Mit Windows 7 Ultimate müssen Sie auf nichts verzichten. Windows 7 vereinfacht alltägliche Aufgaben Desktop Unter Windows 7 ist es nun einfacher, noch mehr Aufgaben direkt auf dem Desktop zu erledigen: Verbesserte Taskleistenvorschau, größere Symbole, Anheften und kreative Möglichkeiten der Personalisierung. Neue Möglichkeiten, mit Fenstern zu jonglieren Überwältigt von der Zahl der geöffneten Fenster? Windows 7 bietet drei einfache und dennoch leistungsfähige neue Funktionen, die wie folgt bezeichnet werden: Aero Shake, Aero Peek und Snap. Sie unterstützen Sie dabei, sofort den Weg durch den Desktop zu finden.  Spektakuläre neue Hintergrundbilder Seien wir ehrlich: Wir verbringen jede Menge Zeit damit, auf unsere PCs zu starren. Die Ästhetik sollte daher nicht zu kurz kommen. Darum enthält Windows 7 viele neue Desktophintergründe, so genannte Hintergrundbilder, unter denen sich alle möglichen Motive von beeindruckend bis unterhaltsam befinden. Oder probieren Sie doch einmal die neue Desktopdiashow aus, in der eine wiederkehrende Reihe von Bildern (unserer oder Ihrer) angezeigt wird. Desktop und langweilig? Das ist vorbei. Schauen Sie sich die "Superleiste" an Schon unter Windows 95 hat die Taskleiste als Ausgangspunkt zum Starten von Programmen und Umschalten zwischen Fenstern gedient. Nicht nur die Zeiten, auch die Arbeitsweisen am PC haben sich geändert. Unter Windows 7 wurde die Taskleiste daher komplett neu gestaltet, damit Sie noch mehr Aufgaben erledigen können. Sie ist ansprechender, kann besser angepasst werden und vereinfacht das Multitasking. Heimnetzgruppe Dank der Heimnetzgruppe brauchen Sie sich keine Gedanken mehr über die Datei- und Druckerfreigabe in einem Heimnetzwerk zu machen. Verbinden Sie mindestens zwei Windows 7-PCs, und schon kann mit der Heimnetzgruppe ganz einfach die automatische Freigabe von Musik, Bildern, Videos und Dokumentbibliotheken für andere Personen im Haus starten. Und das neue Menü "Freigeben für" ermöglicht die schnelle Freigabe einzelner Dateien. Machen Sie sich Sorgen um den Datenschutz? Wir auch. Und deshalb ist die Heimnetzgruppe kennwortgeschützt, sodass Sie die volle Kontrolle über den Zugriff haben. Sie entscheiden, welche Dateien freigegeben werden und welche nicht. Außerdem können Sie Ihre Dateien mit Schreibschutz versehen, d. h., der Inhalt kann von anderen angesehen, aber nicht geändert werden. Einer Heimnetzgruppe beizutreten, ist in jeder Edition von Windows 7 möglich. Das Erstellen einer Heimnetzgruppe ist jedoch nur in den Editionen Home Premium, Professional und Ultimate möglich.  Sprunglisten Über die in Windows 7 neu eingeführten Sprunglisten gelangen Sie nun direkt zu den Dokumenten, Bildern, Songs oder Websites, die Sie tagtäglich nutzen. Zum Öffnen einer Sprungliste klicken Sie auf der Taskleiste von Windows 7 einfach mit der rechten Maustaste auf ein Programm (Sie sind auch im Startmenü zu finden.). Der Inhalt einer Sprungliste hängt vom Programm ab. In der Sprungliste für Internet Explorer 8 werden häufig besuchte Websites angezeigt. Windows Media Player 12 enthält häufig abgespielte Musiktitel. Fehlt in der Sprungliste ein Favorit? Sie können dort beliebige Dateien "anheften". In Sprunglisten werden nicht nur Verknüpfungen zu Dateien angezeigt. Manchmal bieten sie auch Schnellzugriff auf Befehle für Aufgaben wie das Verfassen neuer E-Mail-Nachrichten oder das Wiedergeben von Musik. Snap Snap bietet eine schnelle neue Möglichkeit, die Größe geöffneter Fenster einfach durch Ziehen an die Bildschirmränder zu ändern. Je nach Rand, also, oben oder unten, rechts oder links, wird das Fenster verbreitert, oder es füllt den ganzen Bildschirm aus. Und Sie können Fenster auch nebeneinander anordnen. Mit Snap wird das Lesen, das Anordnen und das Vergleichen von Fenstern zum Kinderspiel.  Windows Live Essentials Was ist Windows Live Essentials? Einfach ausgedrückt, handelt es sich um kostenlose Software, die einen Windows 7-PC mit noch mehr tollen Funktionen ausstattet, z. B. für E-Mail, Instant Messaging, Fotobearbeitung und Blogs. Windows Live Windows Live Essentials ist auf der Windows Live-Website verfügbar. Der kostenlose Download enthält folgende Komponenten: Messenger, Fotogalerie, Mail, Writer, Movie Maker, Symbolleiste und Family Safety. Windows Search Unter Windows 7 finden Sie noch schneller noch mehr Dinge an noch mehr Orten. Sobald Sie im Suchfeld des Startmenüs mit der Eingabe beginnen, wird eine Liste relevanter Dokumente, Bilder, Musiktitel und E-Mails auf dem PC angezeigt. Die Ergebnisse sind nun nach Kategorie gruppiert und enthalten hervorgehobene Stichwörter und Textausschnitte, um die Suche zu vereinfachen. Dateien werden heutzutage nur noch selten an einem Ort abgelegt. Also ist Windows 7 auch darauf ausgelegt, externe Festplatten, Netzwerk-PCs und Bibliotheken zu durchsuchen. Zu viele Suchergebnisse? Sie können die Suche direkt nach Datum, Dateityp und anderen hilfreichen Kategorien eingrenzen. Windows 7 funktioniert Ihren Vorstellungen entsprechend Leistungsverbesserungen Niemand wartet gerne. Darum ist Windows 7 nun noch schneller und immer bereit, wenn Sie es sind. Zu den wichtigen Leistungsverbesserungen zählen u. a. schneller Wechsel in und aus dem Energiesparmodus, weniger Speicherbedarf und schnelle Erkennung von USB-Geräten: Standbymodus Windows 7 kann in den Energiesparmodus versetzt und wiederhergestellt werden und die Verbindung mit dem Drahtlosnetzwerk wieder schneller herstellen.  Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach Informationen sind, dann möchten Sie nicht lange warten, sondern Antworten bekommen. Unter Windows 7 werden Suchergebnisse schneller angezeigt. Auch das Sortieren und Gruppieren von Suchergebnissen geht viel rascher vonstatten. USB-Geräte Wenn Sie zum ersten Mal ein tragbares Flashlaufwerk oder ein anderes USB-Gerät anschließen, stellt Windows 7 es innerhalb weniger Sekunden für Sie bereit. Und wenn Sie es bereits zuvor verwendet haben, dann geht es sogar noch schneller. Rationaler und geringere Auslastung Anders als seine Vorgänger ist Windows 7 darauf ausgelegt, verlangsamende Hintergrunddienste nur dann auszuführen, wenn Sie sie benötigen. Sie verwenden kein Bluetooth-Gerät? Dann bleibt der Bluetooth-Dienst von Windows 7 ausgeschaltet. Windows 7 benötigt auch weniger Arbeitsspeicher als Windows Vista: eine weitere versteckte Optimierung, mit der die Gesamtleistung gesteigert werden kann. 64-Bit-Unterstützung Wenn Sie sich kürzlich nach einem neuen PC umgesehen haben, dann ist Ihnen sicherlich aufgefallen, dass es mehr Computer mit 64-Bit-Prozessoren gibt. Und möglicherweise haben Sie sich gefragt, welche Vorteile sie bieten. Einfach ausgedrückt, kann ein 64-Bit-PC größere Datenmengen verarbeiten als ein 32-Bit-System. Da mehr RAM (4 GB und mehr) verwendet werden kann, kann ein 64-Bit-Computer schneller reagieren, wenn Sie viele Programme gleichzeitig ausführen. Welchen sollen Sie kaufen? Wenn Sie beabsichtigen, viele Programme gleichzeitig geöffnet zu haben oder häufig zwischen Programmen wechseln müssen und auch wenn Sie lediglich sicherstellen möchten, dass Ihr PC die derzeit größeren Speicher nutzen kann, dann ist ein 64-Bit-Computer die richtige Wahl für Sie. Wenn Sie hingegen höchstens zwei Programme gleichzeitig ausführen oder ältere Hardware und Software verwenden, die von einem 64-Bit-PC nicht unterstützt wird, ist ein 32-Bit-System geeignet. Egal, ob Sie sich für ein 32-Bit- oder ein 64-Bit-System entscheiden, Windows 7 ist bereit.  Energieverwaltung Sie haben es satt, dass sich der Akku Ihres Laptops immer dann verabschiedet, wenn Sie ihn dringend benötigen? Unter Windows 7 können Sie die Akkulaufzeit verlängern. Wie? Zunächst einmal ist die Anzahl von unter Windows 7 ausgeführten Hintergrundaktivitäten viel kleiner, d. h., der PC-Prozessor ist weniger stark ausgelastet und damit die Stromaufnahme geringer. Zudem ist die DVD-Wiedergabe stromsparender (praktisch auf langen Flügen), der Bildschirm wird automatisch abgedunkelt, nicht verwendete Ports werden abgeschaltet, und die Anzeige für die Akkulaufzeit ist genauer. Es ist also unwahrscheinlicher, dass Sie plötzlich mit einem leeren Akku dastehen. Windows 7 macht neue Dinge möglich Netzwerk Mit Windows 7 wird es zum Kinderspiel, auf dem Laptop an jedem beliebigen Ort Netzwerke anzuzeigen und eine Verbindung mit diesen herzustellen. Klicken Sie einfach nur auf das Netzwerksymbol auf der Taskleiste. Mit "Verfügbare Netzwerke anzeigen" werden alle Optionen für Drahtlos- und verkabelte Netzwerke aufgerufen: WiFi, mobiles Breitband, DFÜ oder Unternehmens-VPN. Nur noch ein Klick, und schon steht die Verbindung. Windows Media Center Live-TV anschauen, anhalten und aufnehmen. Musik hören. Mit der Fotosammlung Eindruck schinden. Onlineunterhaltung genießen. Und das vom Sofa im Wohnzimmer aus. Wundert es da noch, dass Media Center von Kritikern als das verborgene Juwel von Windows bezeichnet wird? Unter Windows 7 wurde das Programm sogar noch erweitert: mit neuen, tollen Features (viele auf Ihre Anregung hin) und visuellen Verbesserungen. Windows Media Center ist in den Editionen Home Premium, Professional und Ultimate von Windows 7 enthalten. Zu den wichtigsten Neuerungen zählen u. a.:  Fernsehen total ... Windows Media Center unterstützt mehr globale TV-Standards und TV-Tuner (z. B. Digitalfernsehen und HD). Zudem können Sie mit dem Programm nun mehr häufig verwendete Audio- und Videoformate wiedergeben, z. B. 3GP, AAC, AVCHD, DivX, MOV und Xvid. ... ohne langes Warten Haben Sie es satt, sich durch Fernsehprogramme oder eine umfangreiche Musikbibliothek zu quälen? Wechseln Sie schneller zu Titeln und Sendungen mit dem neuen Feature für schnelles Blättern. Atemberaubende neue Diashows Stellen Sie mit der neuen Diashowerstellung ansprechende Fotocollagen (mit Hintergrundmusik) zusammen. Die sind perfekt geeignet für Partys oder Familienfeiern. Und probieren Sie unbedingt den neuen Diashow-Bildschirmschoner aus: Dafür finden Sie keine Worte! Einfachere Medienfreigabe Schauen Sie sich aufgezeichnete TV-Sendungen, Musiktitel und Videos an, auch wenn diese nicht auf Ihrem PC gespeichert sind. Mit dem neuen Feature Heimnetzgruppe stehen Medien auf jedem PC unter Windows 7 im gesamten Haus zur Verfügung. Neue Minianwendungen, größere Vorschau Es gibt eine neue Media Center-Minianwendung. Videos im Schnelldurchlauf anschauen. Mehr Titel- und Sendungsdetails. Größere, besser erkennbare Vorschauminiaturansichten. Und das sind noch längst nicht alle Verbesserungen.  Windows Touch Es hat sich "ausgemaust": Mit Windows 7 und einem Kontaktbildschirm können Sie einfach nur mit Ihren Fingern die Onlineausgabe der Tageszeitung durchsehen, die Seiten in einem Fotoalbum durchblättern und Dateien und Ordner zufällig anordnen. Eine eingeschränkte Touchtechnologie ist bereits seit Jahren unter Windows verfügbar. Aber unter Windows 7 erobert sie jede Ecke Ihres PC. Das Startmenü und die Taskleiste weisen nun größere, fingerfreundliche Symbole auf. Auch die vertrauten Windows 7-Programme unterstützen die Fingereingabe. In Paint können Sie jetzt sogar mit dem Finger malen! Windows Touch, nur in den Editionen Home Premium, Professional und Ultimate von Windows 7 enthalten, erkennt auch Mehrfingerbewegungen (geeigneten Monitor vorausgesetzt). Sie möchten ein Bild vergrößern? Bewegen Sie Ihre Finger aufeinander zu. Sie möchten einen Rechtsklick ausführen? Berühren Sie das entsprechende Element mit einem Finger, und tippen Sie mit einem anderen Finger auf den Bildschirm. Zusätzliche Profi-Funktionen Windows XP-Modus Besser geht's nicht: Mit dem neuen Windows XP-Modus können Sie ältere Windows XP-Geschäftsprogramme direkt auf dem Windows 7-Desktop ausführen. Das Feature, das in erster Linie für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen entwickelt wurde, steht als separater Download zur Verfügung und kann nur in Verbindung mit Windows 7 Professional und Ultimate eingesetzt werden. Der Windows XP-Modus setzt zudem auch eine Virtualisierungssoftware wie Windows Virtual PC voraus. Beides kann kostenlos von der Microsoft-Website heruntergeladen werden. Domänenbeitritt Nutzen Sie Ihren PC im Büro, oder planen Sie, ihn für die Heimarbeit zu verwenden? Dann müssen Sie ihn ggf. mit einer Domäne verbinden. Eine Domäne ist eine Art Computernetzwerk, das häufig am Arbeitsplatz vorgefunden wird. (Technisch gesehen, handelt es sich um eine Gruppe von Computern, die zentral verwaltet und unter Einhaltung allgemeiner Regeln betrieben wird.) Windows 7 Professional und Ultimate ermöglichen einen schnellen und sicheren Domänenbeitritt. Führen Sie einfach den benutzerfreundlichen Assistenten aus, und geben Sie Ihre Anmeldeinformationen für das Netzwerk ein. Einen kurzen Moment später sind Sie schon drin. BitLocker-Laufwerkverschlüsselung Wie können Sie zum Schutz Ihrer Daten vor Datenverlust, Diebstahl oder Hackern beitragen? Die Antwort lautet: BitLocker. Das für Windows 7 verbesserte und in der Ultimate Edition verfügbare BitLocker-Feature hilft Ihnen, alles zu schützen, von Dokumenten bis hin zu Kennwörtern, indem das gesamte Laufwerk, auf dem sich Windows und Ihre Daten befinden, verschlüsselt wird. Sobald BitLocker aktiviert ist, wird jede auf dem Laufwerk gespeicherte Datei automatisch verschlüsselt. BitLocker To Go, ein neues Feature von Windows 7, ermöglicht die Sperrung von leicht verlegten tragbaren Speichergeräten wie USB-Flashlaufwerken und externen Festplatten. Features: Inklusive 32- und 64-Bit-Version Handbuch: mit Installationsanleitung, Schnelleinstieg und Erklärung der wichtigsten Neuerungen von Windows 7. Installationssupport: telefonischer Support ist enthalten. Schneller und einfacher zu bedienen Verbesserte Taskleiste und Vollbild-Vorschaufenster Sprunglisten für schnellen Zugriff auf die Programme und Dateien Verbesserter Desktop vereinfacht das Arbeiten mit Fenstern Verbesserte Windows Suche Bessere Geräteverwaltung Automatisches Einrichten von Heimnetzgruppen Verbesserte Energieverwaltung Höchste Kompatibilität Windows Media Center mit optimierter Benutzeroberfläche Im ganzen Haus auf Musik, Fotos und Videos zugreifen Immer auf dem neuesten Stand mit Windows Live Windows Touch für berührungsempfindliche Bildschirme Location Aware Printing Domänenunterstützung und Gruppenrichtlinien Remote Desktop Host Erweiterte Datensicherung (Netzwerk und Gruppenrichtlinien) Windows XP Mode Verschlüsselndes Dateisystem (EFS) BitLocker & BitLocker To Go AppLocker DirectAccess BranchCache Mehrsprachige Bedienerführung (MUI)  Windows 7 Ultimate 32/64 Bit deutsch Available languages versions: Retail Price: $399.95 Our Price: $99.95 You Save: $300 |
Windows 7 Ultimate 32/64 Bit deutsch Posted: 15 Feb 2010 12:48 PM PST Windows 7 Ultimate  Die umfassendste Edition von Windows 7 Windows 7 Ultimate ist die vielseitigste und leistungsfähigste Edition von Windows 7. Sie kombiniert die bemerkenswerte Benutzerfreundlichkeit der Unterhaltungsfunktionen von Home Premium mit den unternehmensorientierten Funktionen von Professional, wozu auch die Fähigkeit zum Ausführen zahlreicher Windows XP-Produktivitätsprogramme im Windows XP-Modus gehört. Für mehr Sicherheit können Sie Ihre Daten auch mit BitLocker und Bitlocker To Go verschlüsseln. Und zur Erhöhung der Flexibilität können Sie in einer beliebigen von 35 Sprachen arbeiten. Mit Windows 7 Ultimate müssen Sie auf nichts verzichten. Windows 7 vereinfacht alltägliche Aufgaben Desktop Unter Windows 7 ist es nun einfacher, noch mehr Aufgaben direkt auf dem Desktop zu erledigen: Verbesserte Taskleistenvorschau, größere Symbole, Anheften und kreative Möglichkeiten der Personalisierung. Neue Möglichkeiten, mit Fenstern zu jonglieren Überwältigt von der Zahl der geöffneten Fenster? Windows 7 bietet drei einfache und dennoch leistungsfähige neue Funktionen, die wie folgt bezeichnet werden: Aero Shake, Aero Peek und Snap. Sie unterstützen Sie dabei, sofort den Weg durch den Desktop zu finden.  Spektakuläre neue Hintergrundbilder Seien wir ehrlich: Wir verbringen jede Menge Zeit damit, auf unsere PCs zu starren. Die Ästhetik sollte daher nicht zu kurz kommen. Darum enthält Windows 7 viele neue Desktophintergründe, so genannte Hintergrundbilder, unter denen sich alle möglichen Motive von beeindruckend bis unterhaltsam befinden. Oder probieren Sie doch einmal die neue Desktopdiashow aus, in der eine wiederkehrende Reihe von Bildern (unserer oder Ihrer) angezeigt wird. Desktop und langweilig? Das ist vorbei. Schauen Sie sich die "Superleiste" an Schon unter Windows 95 hat die Taskleiste als Ausgangspunkt zum Starten von Programmen und Umschalten zwischen Fenstern gedient. Nicht nur die Zeiten, auch die Arbeitsweisen am PC haben sich geändert. Unter Windows 7 wurde die Taskleiste daher komplett neu gestaltet, damit Sie noch mehr Aufgaben erledigen können. Sie ist ansprechender, kann besser angepasst werden und vereinfacht das Multitasking. Heimnetzgruppe Dank der Heimnetzgruppe brauchen Sie sich keine Gedanken mehr über die Datei- und Druckerfreigabe in einem Heimnetzwerk zu machen. Verbinden Sie mindestens zwei Windows 7-PCs, und schon kann mit der Heimnetzgruppe ganz einfach die automatische Freigabe von Musik, Bildern, Videos und Dokumentbibliotheken für andere Personen im Haus starten. Und das neue Menü "Freigeben für" ermöglicht die schnelle Freigabe einzelner Dateien. Machen Sie sich Sorgen um den Datenschutz? Wir auch. Und deshalb ist die Heimnetzgruppe kennwortgeschützt, sodass Sie die volle Kontrolle über den Zugriff haben. Sie entscheiden, welche Dateien freigegeben werden und welche nicht. Außerdem können Sie Ihre Dateien mit Schreibschutz versehen, d. h., der Inhalt kann von anderen angesehen, aber nicht geändert werden. Einer Heimnetzgruppe beizutreten, ist in jeder Edition von Windows 7 möglich. Das Erstellen einer Heimnetzgruppe ist jedoch nur in den Editionen Home Premium, Professional und Ultimate möglich.  Sprunglisten Über die in Windows 7 neu eingeführten Sprunglisten gelangen Sie nun direkt zu den Dokumenten, Bildern, Songs oder Websites, die Sie tagtäglich nutzen. Zum Öffnen einer Sprungliste klicken Sie auf der Taskleiste von Windows 7 einfach mit der rechten Maustaste auf ein Programm (Sie sind auch im Startmenü zu finden.). Der Inhalt einer Sprungliste hängt vom Programm ab. In der Sprungliste für Internet Explorer 8 werden häufig besuchte Websites angezeigt. Windows Media Player 12 enthält häufig abgespielte Musiktitel. Fehlt in der Sprungliste ein Favorit? Sie können dort beliebige Dateien "anheften". In Sprunglisten werden nicht nur Verknüpfungen zu Dateien angezeigt. Manchmal bieten sie auch Schnellzugriff auf Befehle für Aufgaben wie das Verfassen neuer E-Mail-Nachrichten oder das Wiedergeben von Musik. Snap Snap bietet eine schnelle neue Möglichkeit, die Größe geöffneter Fenster einfach durch Ziehen an die Bildschirmränder zu ändern. Je nach Rand, also, oben oder unten, rechts oder links, wird das Fenster verbreitert, oder es füllt den ganzen Bildschirm aus. Und Sie können Fenster auch nebeneinander anordnen. Mit Snap wird das Lesen, das Anordnen und das Vergleichen von Fenstern zum Kinderspiel.  Windows Live Essentials Was ist Windows Live Essentials? Einfach ausgedrückt, handelt es sich um kostenlose Software, die einen Windows 7-PC mit noch mehr tollen Funktionen ausstattet, z. B. für E-Mail, Instant Messaging, Fotobearbeitung und Blogs. Windows Live Windows Live Essentials ist auf der Windows Live-Website verfügbar. Der kostenlose Download enthält folgende Komponenten: Messenger, Fotogalerie, Mail, Writer, Movie Maker, Symbolleiste und Family Safety. Windows Search Unter Windows 7 finden Sie noch schneller noch mehr Dinge an noch mehr Orten. Sobald Sie im Suchfeld des Startmenüs mit der Eingabe beginnen, wird eine Liste relevanter Dokumente, Bilder, Musiktitel und E-Mails auf dem PC angezeigt. Die Ergebnisse sind nun nach Kategorie gruppiert und enthalten hervorgehobene Stichwörter und Textausschnitte, um die Suche zu vereinfachen. Dateien werden heutzutage nur noch selten an einem Ort abgelegt. Also ist Windows 7 auch darauf ausgelegt, externe Festplatten, Netzwerk-PCs und Bibliotheken zu durchsuchen. Zu viele Suchergebnisse? Sie können die Suche direkt nach Datum, Dateityp und anderen hilfreichen Kategorien eingrenzen. Windows 7 funktioniert Ihren Vorstellungen entsprechend Leistungsverbesserungen Niemand wartet gerne. Darum ist Windows 7 nun noch schneller und immer bereit, wenn Sie es sind. Zu den wichtigen Leistungsverbesserungen zählen u. a. schneller Wechsel in und aus dem Energiesparmodus, weniger Speicherbedarf und schnelle Erkennung von USB-Geräten: Standbymodus Windows 7 kann in den Energiesparmodus versetzt und wiederhergestellt werden und die Verbindung mit dem Drahtlosnetzwerk wieder schneller herstellen.  Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach Informationen sind, dann möchten Sie nicht lange warten, sondern Antworten bekommen. Unter Windows 7 werden Suchergebnisse schneller angezeigt. Auch das Sortieren und Gruppieren von Suchergebnissen geht viel rascher vonstatten. USB-Geräte Wenn Sie zum ersten Mal ein tragbares Flashlaufwerk oder ein anderes USB-Gerät anschließen, stellt Windows 7 es innerhalb weniger Sekunden für Sie bereit. Und wenn Sie es bereits zuvor verwendet haben, dann geht es sogar noch schneller. Rationaler und geringere Auslastung Anders als seine Vorgänger ist Windows 7 darauf ausgelegt, verlangsamende Hintergrunddienste nur dann auszuführen, wenn Sie sie benötigen. Sie verwenden kein Bluetooth-Gerät? Dann bleibt der Bluetooth-Dienst von Windows 7 ausgeschaltet. Windows 7 benötigt auch weniger Arbeitsspeicher als Windows Vista: eine weitere versteckte Optimierung, mit der die Gesamtleistung gesteigert werden kann. 64-Bit-Unterstützung Wenn Sie sich kürzlich nach einem neuen PC umgesehen haben, dann ist Ihnen sicherlich aufgefallen, dass es mehr Computer mit 64-Bit-Prozessoren gibt. Und möglicherweise haben Sie sich gefragt, welche Vorteile sie bieten. Einfach ausgedrückt, kann ein 64-Bit-PC größere Datenmengen verarbeiten als ein 32-Bit-System. Da mehr RAM (4 GB und mehr) verwendet werden kann, kann ein 64-Bit-Computer schneller reagieren, wenn Sie viele Programme gleichzeitig ausführen. Welchen sollen Sie kaufen? Wenn Sie beabsichtigen, viele Programme gleichzeitig geöffnet zu haben oder häufig zwischen Programmen wechseln müssen und auch wenn Sie lediglich sicherstellen möchten, dass Ihr PC die derzeit größeren Speicher nutzen kann, dann ist ein 64-Bit-Computer die richtige Wahl für Sie. Wenn Sie hingegen höchstens zwei Programme gleichzeitig ausführen oder ältere Hardware und Software verwenden, die von einem 64-Bit-PC nicht unterstützt wird, ist ein 32-Bit-System geeignet. Egal, ob Sie sich für ein 32-Bit- oder ein 64-Bit-System entscheiden, Windows 7 ist bereit.  Energieverwaltung Sie haben es satt, dass sich der Akku Ihres Laptops immer dann verabschiedet, wenn Sie ihn dringend benötigen? Unter Windows 7 können Sie die Akkulaufzeit verlängern. Wie? Zunächst einmal ist die Anzahl von unter Windows 7 ausgeführten Hintergrundaktivitäten viel kleiner, d. h., der PC-Prozessor ist weniger stark ausgelastet und damit die Stromaufnahme geringer. Zudem ist die DVD-Wiedergabe stromsparender (praktisch auf langen Flügen), der Bildschirm wird automatisch abgedunkelt, nicht verwendete Ports werden abgeschaltet, und die Anzeige für die Akkulaufzeit ist genauer. Es ist also unwahrscheinlicher, dass Sie plötzlich mit einem leeren Akku dastehen. Windows 7 macht neue Dinge möglich Netzwerk Mit Windows 7 wird es zum Kinderspiel, auf dem Laptop an jedem beliebigen Ort Netzwerke anzuzeigen und eine Verbindung mit diesen herzustellen. Klicken Sie einfach nur auf das Netzwerksymbol auf der Taskleiste. Mit "Verfügbare Netzwerke anzeigen" werden alle Optionen für Drahtlos- und verkabelte Netzwerke aufgerufen: WiFi, mobiles Breitband, DFÜ oder Unternehmens-VPN. Nur noch ein Klick, und schon steht die Verbindung. Windows Media Center Live-TV anschauen, anhalten und aufnehmen. Musik hören. Mit der Fotosammlung Eindruck schinden. Onlineunterhaltung genießen. Und das vom Sofa im Wohnzimmer aus. Wundert es da noch, dass Media Center von Kritikern als das verborgene Juwel von Windows bezeichnet wird? Unter Windows 7 wurde das Programm sogar noch erweitert: mit neuen, tollen Features (viele auf Ihre Anregung hin) und visuellen Verbesserungen. Windows Media Center ist in den Editionen Home Premium, Professional und Ultimate von Windows 7 enthalten. Zu den wichtigsten Neuerungen zählen u. a.:  Fernsehen total ... Windows Media Center unterstützt mehr globale TV-Standards und TV-Tuner (z. B. Digitalfernsehen und HD). Zudem können Sie mit dem Programm nun mehr häufig verwendete Audio- und Videoformate wiedergeben, z. B. 3GP, AAC, AVCHD, DivX, MOV und Xvid. ... ohne langes Warten Haben Sie es satt, sich durch Fernsehprogramme oder eine umfangreiche Musikbibliothek zu quälen? Wechseln Sie schneller zu Titeln und Sendungen mit dem neuen Feature für schnelles Blättern. Atemberaubende neue Diashows Stellen Sie mit der neuen Diashowerstellung ansprechende Fotocollagen (mit Hintergrundmusik) zusammen. Die sind perfekt geeignet für Partys oder Familienfeiern. Und probieren Sie unbedingt den neuen Diashow-Bildschirmschoner aus: Dafür finden Sie keine Worte! Einfachere Medienfreigabe Schauen Sie sich aufgezeichnete TV-Sendungen, Musiktitel und Videos an, auch wenn diese nicht auf Ihrem PC gespeichert sind. Mit dem neuen Feature Heimnetzgruppe stehen Medien auf jedem PC unter Windows 7 im gesamten Haus zur Verfügung. Neue Minianwendungen, größere Vorschau Es gibt eine neue Media Center-Minianwendung. Videos im Schnelldurchlauf anschauen. Mehr Titel- und Sendungsdetails. Größere, besser erkennbare Vorschauminiaturansichten. Und das sind noch längst nicht alle Verbesserungen.  Windows Touch Es hat sich "ausgemaust": Mit Windows 7 und einem Kontaktbildschirm können Sie einfach nur mit Ihren Fingern die Onlineausgabe der Tageszeitung durchsehen, die Seiten in einem Fotoalbum durchblättern und Dateien und Ordner zufällig anordnen. Eine eingeschränkte Touchtechnologie ist bereits seit Jahren unter Windows verfügbar. Aber unter Windows 7 erobert sie jede Ecke Ihres PC. Das Startmenü und die Taskleiste weisen nun größere, fingerfreundliche Symbole auf. Auch die vertrauten Windows 7-Programme unterstützen die Fingereingabe. In Paint können Sie jetzt sogar mit dem Finger malen! Windows Touch, nur in den Editionen Home Premium, Professional und Ultimate von Windows 7 enthalten, erkennt auch Mehrfingerbewegungen (geeigneten Monitor vorausgesetzt). Sie möchten ein Bild vergrößern? Bewegen Sie Ihre Finger aufeinander zu. Sie möchten einen Rechtsklick ausführen? Berühren Sie das entsprechende Element mit einem Finger, und tippen Sie mit einem anderen Finger auf den Bildschirm. Zusätzliche Profi-Funktionen Windows XP-Modus Besser geht's nicht: Mit dem neuen Windows XP-Modus können Sie ältere Windows XP-Geschäftsprogramme direkt auf dem Windows 7-Desktop ausführen. Das Feature, das in erster Linie für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen entwickelt wurde, steht als separater Download zur Verfügung und kann nur in Verbindung mit Windows 7 Professional und Ultimate eingesetzt werden. Der Windows XP-Modus setzt zudem auch eine Virtualisierungssoftware wie Windows Virtual PC voraus. Beides kann kostenlos von der Microsoft-Website heruntergeladen werden. Domänenbeitritt Nutzen Sie Ihren PC im Büro, oder planen Sie, ihn für die Heimarbeit zu verwenden? Dann müssen Sie ihn ggf. mit einer Domäne verbinden. Eine Domäne ist eine Art Computernetzwerk, das häufig am Arbeitsplatz vorgefunden wird. (Technisch gesehen, handelt es sich um eine Gruppe von Computern, die zentral verwaltet und unter Einhaltung allgemeiner Regeln betrieben wird.) Windows 7 Professional und Ultimate ermöglichen einen schnellen und sicheren Domänenbeitritt. Führen Sie einfach den benutzerfreundlichen Assistenten aus, und geben Sie Ihre Anmeldeinformationen für das Netzwerk ein. Einen kurzen Moment später sind Sie schon drin. BitLocker-Laufwerkverschlüsselung Wie können Sie zum Schutz Ihrer Daten vor Datenverlust, Diebstahl oder Hackern beitragen? Die Antwort lautet: BitLocker. Das für Windows 7 verbesserte und in der Ultimate Edition verfügbare BitLocker-Feature hilft Ihnen, alles zu schützen, von Dokumenten bis hin zu Kennwörtern, indem das gesamte Laufwerk, auf dem sich Windows und Ihre Daten befinden, verschlüsselt wird. Sobald BitLocker aktiviert ist, wird jede auf dem Laufwerk gespeicherte Datei automatisch verschlüsselt. BitLocker To Go, ein neues Feature von Windows 7, ermöglicht die Sperrung von leicht verlegten tragbaren Speichergeräten wie USB-Flashlaufwerken und externen Festplatten. Features: Inklusive 32- und 64-Bit-Version Handbuch: mit Installationsanleitung, Schnelleinstieg und Erklärung der wichtigsten Neuerungen von Windows 7. Installationssupport: telefonischer Support ist enthalten. Schneller und einfacher zu bedienen Verbesserte Taskleiste und Vollbild-Vorschaufenster Sprunglisten für schnellen Zugriff auf die Programme und Dateien Verbesserter Desktop vereinfacht das Arbeiten mit Fenstern Verbesserte Windows Suche Bessere Geräteverwaltung Automatisches Einrichten von Heimnetzgruppen Verbesserte Energieverwaltung Höchste Kompatibilität Windows Media Center mit optimierter Benutzeroberfläche Im ganzen Haus auf Musik, Fotos und Videos zugreifen Immer auf dem neuesten Stand mit Windows Live Windows Touch für berührungsempfindliche Bildschirme Location Aware Printing Domänenunterstützung und Gruppenrichtlinien Remote Desktop Host Erweiterte Datensicherung (Netzwerk und Gruppenrichtlinien) Windows XP Mode Verschlüsselndes Dateisystem (EFS) BitLocker & BitLocker To Go AppLocker DirectAccess BranchCache Mehrsprachige Bedienerführung (MUI)  Windows 7 Ultimate 32/64 Bit deutsch Available languages versions: Retail Price: $399.95 Our Price: $99.95 You Save: $300 |
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SOA-Based Enterprise Integration: A Step-by-Step Guide to Services-based Application Posted: 15 Feb 2010 11:19 AM PST SOA-Based Enterprise Integration: A Step-by-Step Guide to Services-based Application Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:58 AM PST Waseem Roshen "SOA-Based Enterprise Integration: A Step-by-Step Guide to Services-based Application" McGraw-Hill Osborne Media | English | 2009-05-21 | ISBN: 0071605525 | 384 pages | PDF | 1,8 MB
| Valentines Day (2010) 700MB TS XviD Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:49 AM PST Valentines Day (2010) 700MB TS XviD | High Life (2009) LiMiTED DVDRip XviD Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:48 AM PST
High Life (2009) LiMiTED DVDRip XviD INFO: | The Soloist (2009) 700MB DVDRiP XviD Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:48 AM PST The Soloist (2009) 700MB DVDRiP XviD | The Proposal (2009) 700MB DVDRiP XviD Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:46 AM PST The Proposal (2009) 700MB DVDRiP XviD | The Graves (2010) 700MB DVDRiP XviD Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:46 AM PST The Graves (2010) 700MB DVDRiP XviD | Ice Twisters (2009) 700MB DVDRiP XviD Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:45 AM PST Ice Twisters (2009) 700MB DVDRiP XviD | Planet Hulk 2010 DVDRip XviD Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:45 AM PST
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The Time Travelers Wife (2009) TS CamRip XviD INFO:
| The Golden Door (2010) DVDRip XviD Scene Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:36 AM PST
The Golden Door (2010) DVDRip XviD Scene INFO:
| Sobolev Spaces on Domains Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:33 AM PST Victor I. Burenkov "Sobolev Spaces on Domains" B. G. Teubner Gmbh | English | 1998-01 | ISBN: 3815420687 | 312 pages | PDF | 5,4 MB
| Agora [2009] DVDRIP XviD Team TDK Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:29 AM PST
Agora [2009] DVDRIP XviD Team TDK INFO:
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Merantau Warrior (2009) DVDRip XviD-TeaMarYzs INFO: | Quantifying the Roman Economy: Methods and Problems Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:26 AM PST Alan Bowman, Andrew Wilson "Quantifying the Roman Economy: Methods and Problems" Oxford University Press | English | 2009-10-04 | ISBN: 0199562598 | 360 pages | PDF | 1,8 MB
| The Men Who Stare At Goats 2009 R5 LiNE XviD Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:23 AM PST
The Men Who Stare At Goats 2009 R5 LiNE XviD INFO: | Polyphosphazenes for Biomedical Applications Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:21 AM PST A. K. Andrianov "Polyphosphazenes for Biomedical Applications" Wiley | English | 2009-08-03 | ISBN: 0470193433 | 462 pages | PDF | 5,1 MB
| State Of Play [2009] DVDRip-x264 Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:20 AM PST
State Of Play [2009] DVDRip-x264 INFO:
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Armored (2009) DVDRip XviD INFO:
| Hip Hop Abs Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:00 AM PST Hip Hop Abs | 3.4 GB Hey, I'm Shaun T. You might not know it now, but I used to be 50 pounds heavier. I lost the weight just by dancing and having fun with my Hip Hop Abs program. That's right, I got these flat, amazing abs without getting on the floor. | Inside The Canon XHA1 and XHG1 Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:59 AM PST Inside The Canon XHA1 and XHG1 | 2.99 GB Canon's Corporate Philosophy is kyosei. A concise definition of kyosei is "Living and Working Together for the Common Good". Expanding on this, Canon defines kyosei as "All people, regardless of race, religion or culture, harmoniously living and working together into the future." It is this philosophy that steers Canon in its business and contribution to the society and environment. Recognizing world imbalances in areas such as inequalities in trade, widening gap in income levels and deteriorating conditions of the environmental, Canon is constantly pursuing kyosei by addressing these imbalances. Canon believes in harmonious relations not only with customers but also with nations and the environment to contribute to the prosperity of the world and the happiness of humanity. | Firearm Defense- Shooting In Realistic Settings Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:59 AM PST Firearm Defense- Shooting In Realistic Settings | 699 MB A Second Amendment Foundation DVD. May I first state that this 1:10 long movie deals with pistols, however, some tactics are covered where rifles can be substituted. Topics in the movie include aiming, speed firing, clearing rooms/buildings, and more. The instructor in the video is a professional, training everyone ranging from normal civillians, to the police and military. | Title Boxing Vol. 23: Freddie Roach's Punching Bag Training Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:59 AM PST Title Boxing Vol. 23: Freddie Roach's Punching Bag Training | 699 MB The heavy bag, speed bag and double end bag are the main staples of boxing training. These bags have tested and honed the skills of boxers and athletes for more than a century. National trainer of the year, hall-of-fame member and former-top ranked professional, Freddie Roach, demonstrates basic and advanced training secrets from a more than 40-year career that has helped develop and mold more than 15 world champions. Whether you're a beginner, skilled amateur or aspiring professional, you will gain a world of insight, strategy and training techniques to help take your workouts and skills to the next level. | Ken Cohen - The Essential Qigong Training Course Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:59 AM PST Ken Cohen - The Essential Qigong Training Course | 2.26 GB Now for the first time, qigong training is available in a comprehensive home-study curriculum. You will learn more than 70 qigong practices for harnessing the massive power of qi to create vitality, spiritual balance, and physical health. Complete kit includes: a 100-page, weekly workbook of original material that directs you step-by-step on this classical, life-changing course. Qigong DVD workout offers you a complete, 90-minute programmable workout. 5 audio CD training course covers every phase of qigong theory and practice. Qigong Healing DVD includes three hours of essential teachings and exercises to learn how to direct the healing qi energy to others effectively and safely. | Bodybuilding - Super Abdominal Strength Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:59 AM PST Bodybuilding - Super Abdominal Strength | 313 MB This is something a little different from your usual ripped abs style training DVD. Bud Jefferies hasn't got a six pack & doesn't tone or sculpt, wht he is after is ab strength & power, appearence doesn't enter his mind, he just wants the strongest abs he can get & this shows you how he's managed to develop the power in his mid-section to support over 1,000 pounds while squatting. If you want sculpted, chiselled abs routine, then look elsewhere, but if you want to develop the pure power to lift ultra-heavy, then this might well be for you. | Brain Respiration Self-Training CD Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:59 AM PST Brain Respiration Self-Training CD | 168 MB This CD contains precise and concise instructions on all key phases of Brain Respiration, including Energy Sensitivity training to the five main stages of Brain Respiration and Power Brain Training. You can follow along the whole CD or pick a specific track that you like. To awaken and stimulate the brain effectively, mostly acoustic and natural sounds were used and electronic sounds were excluded. | Coerver Coaching Improve Your Game [3DVD] Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:59 AM PST Coerver Coaching Improve Your Game [3DVD] | 5.93 GB Practice your skills and polish your game all year long with Coerver Coaching's Improve Your Game DVD training set! Designed to complement our soccer camps, these discs can be used by players at home, both alone and with the help of parents, friends or teammates. Improve Your Game focuses on three levels of self-improvement (Skill, Strength & Stamina) and includes: | Ryan Giggs - Secrets And Skills [DVD] Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:59 AM PST Ryan Giggs - Secrets And Skills [DVD] | 3.78 GB Ryan Joseph Giggs (born Ryan Joseph Wilson on 29 November 1973) is a Welsh footballer who has played for Manchester United for his entire club career. He established himself as a left-winger during the 1990s and continued in this position well into the 2000s, but he has been increasingly used in a deeper playmaking role in his later years. | |
CorelDraw Production 2010 Portable Posted: 15 Feb 2010 11:18 AM PST CorelDraw Production 2010 Portable Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:21 AM PST CorelDraw Production 2010 Portable (ENG/RUS) Graphics Suite | Video tutorials (RUS) | 283 Mb CorelDraw Production 2010 Portable - a known software package for work with different types graphs. In package CorelDraw Production 2010 Portable marketed facilities to compatibility with such format as Adobe Illustrator, PhotoShop, Corel Paint Shop Pro, Microsoft Office, JPEG and PDF. Also is present exhibit Corel PowerTRACE, allowing translate the raster graph in vector. (ENG/RUS) Graphics Suite - an united centre for adjusting colour and tone photography. On DVD also recorded more than two hours training lesson on work with program of the package. (RUS)  | Great stunt expose from Dhanshika Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:18 AM PST | Tamil Padam Review in Tamil Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:17 AM PST | Ajith is Gautham’s next Stylish Cop Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:59 AM PST | Surya’s Singam Ready to Roar! Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:57 AM PST | Cricketer turns Hero in Kollywood Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:52 AM PST | Gautham Menon plans Vinaithandi Varuvaya Sequel..!! Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:49 AM PST | Shriya Saran Truely Awesome Pics Gallery Wallpapers Pictures Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:43 AM PST Shriya Saran Truely Awesome Pics -2010  | Crazy Heart 2009 DVD RIP Hotfile Links Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:41 AM PST Crazy Heart 2009 DVD XviD-Tsz Team   | Brotherhood V Alumni (2009) DVDRip Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:40 AM PST | Dead Man Running (2009)PROPER LIMITED DVDRip Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:39 AM PST  A loan shark gives ex-con Nick a period of 24 hours in order to pay back the money he owes. Up against it, Nick involves his best mate on a multi-part mission in order to raise the cash before it's too late for them both.  | Bright Shadow (2010/ENG) Posted: 15 Feb 2010 09:16 AM PST Bright Shadow | RPG | ENG | 1.43 Gb Bright Shadow - 3D game of stiletto mmorpg, in which players fall into the world Luciena, which folk was attacked by people Umbrans, which have solved that way to perfection (Soul power) - a murder. Then people Umbrans changed in terrible crock. You there is become one of Luciena and free their own land from crock.  | Valiant 2005 720p BRRip XviD AC3-Rx Posted: 15 Feb 2010 08:36 AM PST Valiant 2005 720p BRRip XviD AC3-Rx | NEW RONS BUNDLE COLLECTION - EXCLUSIVE Posted: 15 Feb 2010 08:31 AM PST NEW RONS BUNDLE COLLECTION - EXCLUSIVE ! | Criamoda-Tribos Urbanas Posted: 15 Feb 2010 08:26 AM PST Criamoda-Tribos Urbanas | The collection of alphabets Le peintre de lettres. Part 3 Posted: 15 Feb 2010 08:23 AM PST | Floral Backgrounds Posted: 15 Feb 2010 08:19 AM PST Floral BackgroundsAI | 36.74 Mb  | Nature design element Posted: 15 Feb 2010 08:15 AM PST Nature design elements3 AI Files | + preview | 12.6 Mb  | 50000 Vector Logos (Famous, Compnay, etc Posted: 15 Feb 2010 08:07 AM PST 50000 Vector Logos (Famous, Compnay, etc) | Art Poster Mix Posted: 15 Feb 2010 08:04 AM PST Art Poster Mix12 PSD Layers | 3000x3750 | 216 mb  | Vector colection design IV Posted: 15 Feb 2010 07:25 AM PST Vector colection design IV EPS,AI FILE 2,067GB | The long-legged girls Girl video Posted: 15 Feb 2010 05:05 AM PST The long-legged girls Girl video | Mario Party 4 Gamecube ISO Posted: 15 Feb 2010 03:41 AM PST Mario Party 4 Gamecube ISO | 1.36 GB | Hard Truck Apocalypse + Rise of Clans-BigMax Full Posted: 15 Feb 2010 03:37 AM PST Hard Truck Apocalypse + Rise of Clans-BigMax FullPC Game | ISO | Action | EN | 1.15 GB  | Twin Sector - Razor1911 Posted: 15 Feb 2010 03:29 AM PST Twin Sector - Razor1911 | The Graves (2010) DVDRiP.MKV – 350Mb Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:59 AM PST The Graves (2010) DVDRiP.MKV – 350MbCast: Jillian Murray, Tony Todd, Bill Moseley, Amanda Wyss Format: Matroska Genre: Adventure | Horror | Thriller File Size: 346Mb No of Cd: 1 Resolution: 640 x 352 Frame Rate: 25 fps Languese: English RunTime: Director: Brian Pulido IMDB Rating: 5.2/10 16 votes IMDB INfo :  | Dead Man Running (2009) DVDRiP.MKV – 350Mb Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:56 AM PST Dead Man Running (2009) DVDRiP.MKV – 350MbCast: Danny Dyer, 50 Cent, Blake Ritson, Tamer Hassan Format: Matroska Genre: Action | Crime | Drama | Thriller File Size: 347Mb No of Cd: 1 Resolution: 704 x 336 Frame Rate: 25 fps Languese: English RunTime: Director: Alex De Rakoff IMDB Rating: 5.4/10 137 votes IMDB INfo :  | Knight Rider Movie (2008) Dvdrip 313MB MKV English Subtitle Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:54 AM PST Knight Rider Movie (2008) Dvdrip 313MB MKV English SubtitleIMDB info: Subtitles ; English Format : MKV File size : 313 MiB Duration : 1h 19mn Width : 624 pixels Height : 352 pixels Frame rate : 23.976 fps Audio Format : AAC Bit Rate : 128 Kbps  | Computer Music - March 2010 Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:44 AM PST Computer Music - March 2010 PDF | 129 pages | 61.4 Mb | English
 | Amateur Photographer - 20 February 2010 Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:44 AM PST Amateur Photographer - 20 February 2010 PDF | 101 pages | 56.9 Mb | English
 | |
TrafficHeroes - Ooops! Posted: 15 Feb 2010 11:17 AM PST TrafficHeroes - Oops! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi shaileash, I just got an e-mail pointing out that the cash link was set by accident for every 200 sites. I apologize. I will manually fix all errors tomorrow to make sure that you receive the correct amounts. Here's your surf link: Yours in service, Brett :) PS: Have you seen the changes that Rob has made to the TL2I system? Great improvements to a great program. Take a look today! =============================
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Major app store takes on Apple, others Posted: 15 Feb 2010 11:09 AM PST Major app store takes on Apple, others Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:25 AM PST Some of the world's largest telecommunications companies have teamed up to create an apps store of sorts that they say will rival Apple's and those of other smartphone makers.  | Do you have to be a celeb to tweet for airline help? Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:14 AM PST When film director Kevin Smith tweeted about getting kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight on Saturday, the airline responded in less than 20 minutes.  | SlingPlayer video app goes 3G on iPhone Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:18 AM PST Sling Media on Monday launched a new version of its SlingPlayer Mobile app for iPhone and iPod touch.  | 'Avatar' creator: Failure's OK, fear isn't Posted: 14 Feb 2010 09:36 AM PST A lifelong fascination with science fiction and the ocean has driven "Avatar" director James Cameron's career, he told the TED2010 conference Saturday.  | NASA extends shuttle mission by a day Posted: 15 Feb 2010 05:59 AM PST NASA is extending the mission of the space shuttle Endeavour by a day so astronauts can do more work on the International Space Station, mission managers announced Sunday.  | |
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Google has fixed it now by providing a Buzz tab within the Gmail settings. | Learn to queue up to become UK citizen Posted: 14 Feb 2010 03:43 PM PST Britain plans to make the art of queuing part of the citizenship test for immigrants, under plans unveiled by a senior minister. Foreigners applying to settle will have to learn how to form a queue for everything from buses to sandwiches. | Chandigarh dog gets Rs 60,000 for a one-night stand Posted: 14 Feb 2010 03:32 PM PST Rs 60,000 for a one-night stand! That's what a dog, exhibited at the Chandigarh Dog Show on Sunday, fetches for one mating session. | Akki does a Travolta, Ash catches the fever Posted: 14 Feb 2010 08:25 PM PST Akki does a Travolta, Ash catches the fever | I'm soon going to look like Brad Pitt: Shah Rukh Posted: 14 Feb 2010 03:16 AM PST Bollywood megastar Shah Rukh Khan, who left a trail of fans swooning at the red carpet premiere of "My Name is Khan" at the Berlin International Film Festival, says self-mockingly he keeps getting better looking and he would soon "look like Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise". | Facebook breeds jealousy in relationship Posted: 14 Feb 2010 09:08 PM PST Facebooking is certainly the perfect way to re-connect with old friends and make new ones. But the social networking site also turns you green with jealousy when... | 'India missile tech a decade behind that of China' Posted: 14 Feb 2010 04:33 AM PST Despite India's advances in missile technology, the country is still a decade behind China, a top Chinese defence analyst has claimed and asserted that Beijing does not view New Delhi as its "strategic rival." | Patient treated as 'specimen', given wrong injection Posted: 14 Feb 2010 03:59 PM PST A patient undergoing treatment at SMS Hospital for bone marrow infection was allegedly administered a wrong injection after which he developed complications and was rushed to the emergency ward. | Indian to relaunch East India Company Posted: 14 Feb 2010 06:44 AM PST A Mumbai-born entrepreneur plans to relaunch the East India Company after strenuously acquiring shares in the firm that once ruled India. | Pune blast: JuD role not ruled out, govt seeks Headley access Posted: 14 Feb 2010 10:34 AM PST "Recently JuD had stated that Pune is a fair target, so we will have to link one and the other and then think that some of these agencies in Pak are behind the Pune blast," home secy G K Pillai said. India renewed the demand for access to Headley. | |
Vietnam's Disappearing Online Voices Posted: 15 Feb 2010 03:10 AM PST Vietnam's Disappearing Online Voices Posted: 14 Feb 2010 05:00 AM PST  Two pioneering Web sites that stretched the limits of free expression in Vietnam say they have been hacked and shut down, just months after the communist government blocked the social networking site Facebook. Both sites had been critical of Vietnam's policies toward China, a subject of great sensitivity to the government, whose efforts to maintain good relations with its massive northern neighbor sometimes run afoul of nationalist sentiment. However, both sites were generally restrained in tone, and neither had called for an end to Vietnam's single-party system. | |
Daily News & Analysis Posted: 15 Feb 2010 03:04 AM PST Trial of Kasab, 2 others to resume on Feb 20 for arguments Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:32 AM PST The court would assemble this weekend, nearly a month after it concluded recording of evidence. | Juan Carlos Ferrero lifts 13th title in Brazil with crushing win Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:30 AM PST The 30-year-old Spanish top seed, a finalist in Brazil in 2007, ended a run of poor results this year in the tournament at Costa do Sauipe. | Jaipur couples enjoy 10 minutes of love in the air on V-Day Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:26 AM PST As part of an innovative concept, about 10 courting couples in Jaipur were offered an opportunity to ride a helicopter for 10 minutes on Valentine's Day. | Ajax and Juventus relive old finals in Europa League Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:26 AM PST Ajax Amsterdam and Juventus, who have twice met in the European Cup final, clash again this week but this time in the much less glamorous surroundings of the Europa League. | Gold gains on positive global cues, buying support Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:23 AM PST Buoyed by a firming trend overseas and seasonal buying, gold prices rose by Rs 65 to Rs 16,705 per ten grams on the bullion market here today. | Racing sack coach as rivals Independiente go top Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:19 AM PST Racing Club's Claudio Vivas became the first coaching casualty of the year in the Argentine first division on Sunday when he was sacked after three consecutive defeats. | Pratibha Patil hails Corps of Signals, army's 'Information Warriors' Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:17 AM PST The president today called the Corps of Signals as a 'strong and vibrant force' which is playing a vital role in providing effective communication systems to the armed forces. | US, Afghan forces push deeper into Marjah Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:13 AM PST Insurgent sniper teams battled US Marines and Afghan troops across the Taliban haven of Marjah, as several major gun-battles erupted across the town on Monday. | Pak looking up to US to match India's military might: Haqqani Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:11 AM PST Pakistan ambassador to the US, Hussain Haqqani said Pakistan has started negotiating with the US for an agreement on nuclear technology on the lines of the deal Washington had signed with India. | Two-goal Wendel sparkles as Bordeaux triumph Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:08 AM PST Laurent Blanc's side now have 51 points from 24 games, three more than second-placed Montpellier who beat Grenoble 1-0 on Saturday. | When death visited Kolkata siblings at German bakery Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:08 AM PST A student of BA first year at Ferguson college here, Anandi Dhar (19) had joined Ankik (23), her brother who had come down to Pune from Mumbai to give a treat for getting a job. | Barcelona midfielder Seydou Keita out for around four weeks Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:06 AM PST Barcelona midfielder Seydou Keita will be out for around four weeks after he damaged his right hamstring in Sunday's 2-1 defeat at Atletico Madrid. | Holders Chelsea drawn at home again in FA Cup Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:03 AM PST Holders Chelsea will play Manchester City or Stoke City in the quarter-finals of the FA Cup next month after the draw was made on Sunday. | Students clash with police in Osmania university Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:02 AM PST Over 10 security personnel and few mediapersons were injured today in fresh clash between students and security men in Osmania University. | Sena-BJP MPs walk out of CM's meet; say govt failed to act Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:58 AM PST 'We told the chief minister that the state government had failed to act on alerts given by Central government,' said senior Sena MP Chandrakant Khaire. | Polanski in pole position at Berlin film festival Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:54 AM PST Roman Polanski can enjoy a break from sensational headlines about his arrest and misdemeanours and bask in the glow of mostly positive reviews for his latest movie The Ghost Writer | Hockey fever meets hot buns in Chinatown haven Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:52 AM PST Hong Kong immigrant Susanna Ng has spent thousands of dollars kitting out her waitresses in the uniform of the moment -- Canada''s red ice hockey jersey for the 2010 Winter Games. | Defence expenditure increase in proportion with growth: India Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:47 AM PST India is expected to spend around USD 50 billion in next 20 years for acquiring weapons for its armed forces. | Deoband opposes full body scanners at American airport Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:44 AM PST 'Full body scanning is against the Shariat. It is in violation of Islam as men and women can be seen naked by other men and women,' Maulana Abdul Khalik Madrasi said. | Haiti earthquake charity single tops charts Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:41 AM PST A charity single recorded in aid of Haiti earthquake victims has gone straight to number one in the British singles charts, selling more than 450,000 copies in its first week. | Kerala capital to host all India police athletic meet Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:40 AM PST A total of 29 teams including BSF, CRPF, CISF, ITBP, RPF and SSB would take part in the championship, being held in Kerala after a 22 year gap. | HC adjourns hearing in Ruchika case till Apr 5 Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:38 AM PST Justice Sabina adjourned the case after CBI counsel Anmol Rattan Sidhu told the court that the agency was investigating the case and needed more time. | Snow leopard cub rescued from Kashmir Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:31 AM PST "The cub was hiding in the kitchen of the house. We didn't tranquillise it but we relied on certain medicines to cow it down," said Mohammed Ashraf Khan, a wildlife warden. | How to queue correctly, by etiquette expert Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:30 AM PST Etiquette authority Debrett's has come out with a guide on how to queue correctly. | Katherine Jenkins turns down £1m Playboy deal Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:29 AM PST Katherine Jenkins has refused to strip for Playboy because she doesn't want to upset her mum. | Sex tips for people with breathing problems Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:26 AM PST The British Lung Foundation (BLF) has come up with tips for those having breathing problems to help them boost their sex lives. | Around 1 to 1.5 kg RDX used in Pune blast: Forensic report Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:25 AM PST The report is expected to be submitted to concerned officials today, sources said. | Eight killed, 12 injured in van-lorry collision in Tamil Nadu Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:25 AM PST They said the van was carrying 20 persons when it collided with the gravel laden lorry. They were returning to Devadanapatti after attending a funeral. | Australian cricket administrator asks Aussies not to worry over Sena IPL threat Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:23 AM PST Indian origin cricket administrator of New South Wales, Dr Gorur Krishna Harinath alias Harry, has asked the Australian players to play in the Indian Premier League. | Pakistani intruder shot dead by BSF Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:22 AM PST A Pakistani intruder was shot dead by the BSF in Srikranpur sector near the Indo-Pak border, police said here. | Why Judas betrayed Jesus document meets with controversy Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:21 AM PST Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams investigates the life and death of Jesus Christ, against the backdrop of his own life and career. | Muthoot murder: CBI's plea for custody of 10 accused rejected Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:17 AM PST A local court today rejected the plea of CBI for custody of 10 accused for interrogation, but it allowed their questioning in sub-jail premises here. | Robert Pattinson says his heart belongs to his dog Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:16 AM PST The Twilight star, who has been linked to co-star Kristen Stewart, revealed his heart belonged to his West Highland White Terrier. | Ricky Ponting ticks off another milestone with Gabba ton Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:14 AM PST Ricky Ponting, who scored a century against West Indies on Sunday, marched deeper into the record books for having scored one-day centuries at every major ground in the country. | Justice more important in Pakistan than roti, kapda aur makaan: Imran Khan Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:12 AM PST Imran Khan stressed the need for waging a struggle to achieve social and educational justice besides judicial justice. | Police look for clues from hotel CCTV footage near blast site Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:11 AM PST According to police, the footage showed movement of two suspects who could have planted the explosives in the bakery on February 13. | Banned herbal Viagra spawns illegal trade Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:06 AM PST A herbal Viagra, coveted by many for its sexual prowess, has spawned a full-fledged illicit network of the banned drug across India and its neighbouring countries. | Three killed, 13 injured in road mishaps in Bihar Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:05 AM PST Three persons, including two homeguards, were killed and 13 others injured, five of them seriously, in two seperate road accidents in Madhubani district early today. | IED detected and defused in Kashmir Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:04 AM PST An IED weighing five kilograms, was detected and later defused by the security forces in Sopore, which has witnessed a sudden spurt in militant violence in the past one month. | BJP tightens security at Indore conclave after Pune blast Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:03 AM PST Some sections of the party feel that leaders like LK Advani, Narendra Modi,Raman Singh and Rajnath Singh along with other senior leaders should stay in hotels instead of tents. | Reliance Comm says adds 2.8 mln mobile users in January Posted: 15 Feb 2010 12:59 AM PST The company had 93.8 million mobile users as of end-December, according to the telecoms regulator. | Delhi court issues bailable warrant against Abhay Singh Chautala in assets case Posted: 15 Feb 2010 12:57 AM PST Special CBI judge PS Teji directed Chautala, an Indian National Lok Dal MLA, to appear before the court on February 22. | Top Lashkar militant killed in Kashmir Posted: 15 Feb 2010 12:40 AM PST The militants opened indiscriminate fire prompting the police to retaliate and in the ensuing gunbattle a militant was killed, police said. | LTTE operated 11 bank branches in North before its defeat Posted: 15 Feb 2010 12:38 AM PST The LTTE operated 11 bank branches in Northern Sri Lanka with claims of prompt service and various loan facilities prior to its annihilation in May last year. | Andhra Pradesh governor skirts Telangana issue in address Posted: 15 Feb 2010 12:35 AM PST ESL Narasimhan only listed out the numerous development and welfare programmes of the state government in his 40-page address. | Two hurt as US vice-president Joseph Biden's motorcade crashes Posted: 15 Feb 2010 12:35 AM PST The cause of the accident involving three vehicles at the rear of the motorcade had not yet been determined, but may have been the result of slick road conditions. | Yemen rebels hand over one Saudi soldier: Al Jazeera Posted: 15 Feb 2010 12:32 AM PST Saudi Arabia, drawn into a conflict between the rebels and the Yemeni central government in November, told the rebels on Saturday they had 48 hours to hand over the soldiers. | Refrain from grand celebrations on my birthday: Jayalalitha Posted: 15 Feb 2010 12:29 AM PST Charging that Tamil Nadu was "on the "path of destruction" on all fronts, including law and order, AIADMK chief Jayalalitha asked partymen to refrain from grand celebration. | Cash-at-judge's-door case adjourned till Feb 17 Posted: 15 Feb 2010 12:27 AM PST Rs15 lakh was 'wrongly delivered' at the residence of justice Nirmaljit Kaur of the Punjab and Haryana high court in August 2008. | Government considering framing policy on open schooling system Posted: 15 Feb 2010 12:22 AM PST Of the 1 crore children in the age group of 14-18 years who currently pursue secondary education, 16 lakh are doing it through open schooling system. | |
Clinton: Iran Heading Toward Military Dictatorship Posted: 15 Feb 2010 03:04 AM PST |
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E-mail folders, 2D CAD and web pages can also be easily converted to PDF. View and interact with PDF maps--Be sure your customers and clients can find you with this unique map building tool. Mark up PDF maps, make them searchable--users can even view the longitude and latitude of a location simply by hovering the cursor over the appropriate area. Improve print processes--Control costs and reduce errors with automated output controls to preview, pre-flight, correct and prepare PDF files for high-end print production and digital publishing. Verify PDF standards and accessibility--Get details on compliance with PDF/A, PDF/X, and PDF/E with the new PDF Standards panel. Quickly evaluate, correct and automatically tag PDF documents for optimised accessibility and reflow.  Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended Available languages versions: Retail Price: $499.95 Our Price: $99.95 You Save: $600 |
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Choose one of many professional templates--or create your own--to quickly integrate content, define navigation, and add polish to your PDF Portfolios. Multiple content sources, one PDF portfolio--Easily organise content from a variety of sources--including documents, e-mail, images, video, audio, 3D,spreadsheets, web pages and maps--in a single searchable PDF Portfolio, compressed for easy distribution. Use professionally designed templates to incorporate your company logo and colours. Easily share information with free Adobe Reader software. Create interactive, on-demand presentations with Adobe Presenter--Free with Acrobat 9 Pro Extended, Adobe Presenter software is the perfect way to liven up your Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. Add video, voiceover, demos and interactive quizzes to keep your audience engaged; then save your presentation as a PDF file for easy, convenient viewing anytime, anywhere. Easily share video in PDF files--Share video, animations and applications cross-platform in Acrobat and Adobe Reader with native support for Flash technology. Convert a variety of video formats to FLV for playback in PDF files without the need for an additional media player. Acrobat lets you combine files from multiple applications into a single Adobe PDF document. With a scanner and Acrobat's Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, you can turn stacks of paper documents into easily searchable electronic PDF archives. Digitally sign and certify documents to validate they came from a trusted source. Faster electronic document reviews--Don't let a long-winded review process slow down a vital project. 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Prayer for Guidance and Deliverance Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:17 AM PST | | | Psalm 25 | | | Prayer for Guidance and for Deliverance Of David. To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul. O my God, in you I trust; do not let me be put to shame; do not let my enemies exult over me. Do not... Read more >> | | | | |  | | Bible Verses for Loneliness Everyone feels lonely at some point. These Bible verses offer hope, comfort and a reminder that God is always with us. Read more >> | | | | | |  | | 12 Inspiring Images Let these quotes, photos and paintings remind you of God's love. View the gallery >> | | | | | |  | | 10 Free Dates You and Your Spouse Will Love Get creative and cost-effective on your next date night with these 10 free date suggestions. Continued >> | | | | | | | | | | | |
Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:16 AM PST Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 (SP3) is the next version of the Windows operating system, designed for business of all sizes, and for individuals who demand the most from their computing experience. Windows XP Professional with SP3 goes beyond the benefits of Windows XP Home Edition, with advanced capabilities designed specifically to optimize productivity using the latest advancements in the digital world. Built on the solid foundation of Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional with SP3 provides improved reliability, security, performance and ease of use, setting the new standard in efficient and dependable computing. The Windows XP Service Pack 3 brings you the latest security updates and features from Microsoft so you can use the Internet with even more confidence. A new Windows Security Center lets you manage all of your computers security settings in one place. Plus, a new Windows firewall, a new pop-up blocker and new antivirus protection combine to provide better protection against virus, hackers and worms! System requirements - 233 megahertz (MHz) processor - 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM - 1.8 GB of available hard disk space during installation  Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 Available languages versions: Retail Price: $259.95 Our Price: $59.95 You Save: $200 |
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended Posted: 15 Feb 2010 02:05 AM PST Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended software delivers all the features in Photoshop CS4 and more. New features make it easier than ever to apply the unrivaled editing power of Photoshop to 3D models and motion graphics. Improved image analysis capabilities satisfy technical needs, while a newly refined interface speeds up your workflow. Photoshop CS4 and Photoshop CS4 Extended feature a newly refined, tab-based interface in a single, integrated window, with self-adjusting panels arranged in docked groups. Automatically keeping tools well organized and away from your work area means you get greater efficiency, less clutter, and better results, faster than before. Click to enlarge. Discover new dimensions in digital imaging Revolutionary 3D painting and compositing Paint directly on 3D models, wrap 2D images around 3D shapes, convert gradient maps to 3D objects, add depth to layers and text, and get print-quality output with the new ray-tracing rendering engine, and enjoy exporting to supported common 3D formats. Adjustments panel Simplify image adjustment by easily accessing every tool you need to nondestructively adjust and enhance the color and tone of your images; on-image controls and a wide variety of presets are also included in the new live and dynamic Adjustments panel. Masks panel Quickly create and edit masks from the new Masks panel. This panel offers all the tools you need to create editable pixel- and vector-based masks, adjust mask density and feathering, easily select noncontiguous objects, and more. Motion graphics editing Paint, add text, and clone over multiple frames of an imported video sequence. Sync painting and other effects to your soundtrack with new audio controls. And work faster using single-key shortcuts. The new Adjustments panel helps eliminate almost 90% of the mouse movements required to make nondestructive image adjustments. Click to enlarge. Spot color and exposure adjustments are more natural with the improved Dodge, Burn, and Sponge tools. Enhanced Auto-Blend technology automatically masks and blends frame edges for better results on panoramas. A range of shots, each with different exposure, color, and focal points (left) automatically becomes a single, color-corrected, expanded depth-of-field image with Auto-Blend Layers. Click to enlarge. Richer painting and drawing toolset Create or modify images with a wide assortment of professional, fully customizable drawing tools, paint settings, and artistic brushes. Simply drag to resize brushes and adjust for hardness as you paint and preview brush strokes. Enhanced auto-alignment of layers Create accurate composites with the enhanced Auto-Align Layers command. Move, rotate, or warp layers to align them more accurately than ever before. Or use spherical alignment to create breathtaking panoramas. Enhanced auto-blending of images Easily create a single image from a series of shots that have different focal points with the enhanced Auto-Blend Layers command, which smoothly blends color and shading and now extends your depth of field, automatically correcting vignettes and lens distortion. Extended depth of field Combine a range of images, each with a different exposure, color, and focal point--with options to preserve tones and colors--into a single color-corrected image. Image analysis Extract quantitative information from images with powerful tools that calculate distance, perimeter, area, and other measurements. Record and export data for further quantitative analysis. Even set measurements to the scale in DICOM file headers. Better raw image processing Enjoy superior conversion quality as you process raw images with the industry-leading Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 5 plug-in, which now offers localized corrections, post-crop vignetting, TIFF and JPEG processing, and support for more than 190 camera models. Efficient file management with Adobe Bridge CS4 Get instant access to Adobe Bridge CS4 with faster start-up, use new workspaces to jump to the right display for every task, easily create web galleries and PDF contact sheets, and more. Industry-leading color correction Enjoy dramatically enhanced control with reengineered Dodge, Burn, and Sponge tools that now intelligently preserve color and tone details. Make precise adjustments with Brightness/Contrast and Curves controls, the histogram, channel lines, and a clipping preview. Multi-Touch support on Mac laptops Pinch, swipe, rotate, zoom, and scroll with just the touch of your fingers by taking full advantage of the Multi-Touch trackpad on newer MacBook Pro and MacBook Air laptops (requires Mac OS X v10.5). Profiles to support the color-blind Design with sensitivity for color-blind individuals by creating soft proofs of your images using built-in Color Universal Design Organization profiles. Extensibility--Get and share Adobe Flash technology-based panels that developers create to accomplish customized tasks. Plus, get tips and tricks from the thriving worldwide community of Photoshop users through the new Adobe Community Help online service. Top new features in Photoshop CS4 and Photoshop CS4 Extended The new versions of Photoshop are about much more than just adding new features. They're about providing you with best practices in the tasks you do daily--about making your work in Photoshop not just faster and easier, but more intelligent, and more natively nondestructive. Here are the top new features and enhancements in Photoshop CS4 and Photoshop CS4 Extended. Live, nondestructive corrections with the Adjustments panel Photoshop CS4 speeds workflow performance with the Adjustments panel, cutting the time it takes to make nondestructive adjustments like Curves, Levels, Hue/Saturation, and much more. There's no dialog box maze to navigate--just go straight to the task at hand. The Adjustments panel brings the right tool for the right job to your fingertips, dynamically, saving precious time. The panel features the new Vibrance adjustment, giving you greater control over color saturation while preserving delicate tones, such as skin colors. On-image adjustments are now available for Hue/Saturation and Curves. Plus, for even greater convenience and time savings, the panel features a wide variety of modifiable presets for each type of change, including more than 20 new preconfigured, customizable starting points. Photoshop CS4 speeds you through countless tasks with the Adjustments panel. Re-editable, feathered, density-controlled masks The new Masks panel smooths and speeds the creation and adjustment of pixel and vector masks, making it easier than ever to apply effects to precisely defined areas of an image. Now, with simple sliders, you can adjust the density and feathering of a mask, to control both the sharpness of the mask edge and how much of the adjustment effect you'd like to reveal. The Refine Mask feature allows simple yet fine-grained control over the mask size and edges. And Color Range has been upgraded for better accuracy and power. It's a fast way to automatically create powerful and detailed masks based on single or multiple colors, with simple controls for the spatial tolerance and "fuzziness" of the color sampling. Simply drag the new Rotate View tool outside the image area to spin your canvas to the orientation that works best for you. Click to enlarge. The new Pixel Grid appears at magnifications of 600% or higher, facilitating the finest detail editing. Click to enlarge. Bridge CS4 makes it easier to work with all of your image assets, with intuitive, easily discoverable controls for camera import, viewing and sorting, contact-sheet and web-gallery creation. You'll also find more versatile throughput to Photoshop CS4, including opening multiple files as a single, multi-layered image, and much more. Click to enlarge. Enhancements to 3D support in Photoshop CS4 Extended include the ability to merge 2D layers onto 3D layers--effectively turning a 2D image into part of the 3D object. Click to enlarge. Preview and export audio tracks and frame comments from the Animation panel in Photoshop CS4 Extended. Click to enlarge. More refined, natural results with Dodge, Burn, and Sponge In the days of film, paper, safelights, and chemicals, photographers dodged and burned their prints during exposure, to darken and brighten areas of an image as they created it. It was an art that required steady hands and practice to master. The newly refined Dodge, Burn, and Sponge tools in Photoshop CS4 take the pain and practice out of preserving tonal quality while you spot-correct exposure and color saturation. Simply paint the area you want to adjust and get advanced results in a fraction of the time. Enhanced Auto-Align, Auto-Blend, and new 360-degree panoramas The automatic alignment and blending technology in Photoshop CS4 enhances a wide variety of features, but nowhere are the improvements more obvious than in Photomerge. Now, when you stitch a sequence of images into a panorama, enhanced blending combines with new vignetting and geometric distortion corrections to bring you even better results--a panorama with more natural colors blended from one end of the scene to the other. Additional improvements include the ability to create 360-degree panoramas, automatic detection of fish eye lenses to compensate for their inherent distortion, and the new Collage option which rotates and scales individual images as they are combined using Auto-Align and Photomerge. Extended depth of field Whether it's the extreme close-up, the microbial world, or simply low-light conditions, there are times when the depth of field you can capture with your camera is extremely shallow. Now, you can shoot the scene with a series of focal points, and use the enhanced Auto-Blend Layers feature to automatically create a new, single image with a depth of field encompassing the entire series. You can even color-correct the images at the same time, automatically. This feature provides breathtaking enhancement of any scene where lighting and depth of field are in short supply. Fluid canvas rotation Photoshop CS4 introduces a revolutionary new feature that lets you paint and draw as easily and naturally as sitting down at an easel. With the new Rotate View tool, you can nondestructively spin your canvas to any orientation you desire--a boon to every illustrator, whether you paint by mouse or tablet. No pixel distortion, no craning your head to get the perspective you want, and no matter how you spin your canvas, Photoshop CS4 adjusts your selections, grids, rulers, and other tools and features to match your chosen orientation. Ultra-smooth, extra-precise pan, zoom, preview, and painting tools Most modern computers contain a powerful graphics processor (GPU) that is almost like having a second computer inside the box. Photoshop CS4 leverages the power of your GPU with OpenGL technology to blast past the image-viewing restrictions of yesterday. Zoom all the way down to the level of individual pixels, with perfect clarity even at the oddest magnification percentages. Smoothly navigate around the largest images with no stutter or preview lag. Use the new Pixel Grid to easily edit images at the highest magnification. And revel in a faster, easier painting workflow, with brushes you can resize by dragging your mouse; new brush cursors that more clearly preview brush strokes before you make them; and improved, higher precision tablet tracking. Navigating very large images is easier than ever--instantly zoom high overhead to move to a new area of the image, and just as instantly zoom back in to the highest magnification. You can also ÒtossÓ the image across the screen with the Hand tool--the physics engine in Photoshop CS4 will give you a natural pan in any direction. Next generation Adobe Bridge CS4 Finding, previewing, and managing all of your image assets jumps to a new level of power and convenience with Adobe Bridge CS4, beginning with faster performance from startup through to handing off images to Photoshop CS4. New path-bar navigation and workspace selection buttons across the top of the Bridge window let you instantly jump to just the right display for every task, including new Camera Import controls, visual folder navigation, and a new Carousel View for larger image-group selections. In the Output workspace, Bridge now features PDF-based contact-sheet creation and web-gallery creation and uploading. You can preview 3D images and panoramas created in Photoshop CS4. The new Search field helps you quickly find images in Bridge, and is also integrated with the Spotlight feature in Mac OS X and the Desktop Search feature in Windows Vista. You can even switch to the new, intuitive List View, with its familiar data display and sorting controls. Tighter integration with Photoshop Lightroom 2 Professionals and other advanced photographers rely on the one-two punch of Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Lightroom software as the complete digital photography toolkit. Photoshop CS4 makes this workflow easier than ever, with improved cross-application support for automated functions, such as opening multiple photographs from Lightroom 2 directly into a layered Photoshop document, high dynamic range (HDR) image, panorama, or Smart Object. Lightroom 2 and Adobe Camera Raw also share the same underlying technology, which means the changes you make with Camera Raw 5 in Photoshop CS4 are recognized in Lightroom 2, and vice versa. Camera Raw 5 with localized, nondestructive adjustments Providing the first step in the processing of raw data from your digital camera, Camera Raw now enables you to make localized adjustments by simply painting the area to be affected, and then using sliders to control the change. Additional enhancements include Post Crop Vignetting, and gradient-based localized correction. You can apply the same Camera Raw adjustments to TIFF and JPEG photographs, and, as always, the corrections you make are completely nondestructive, with the original files being maintained in their pristine state. Breakthrough 3D editing and compositing With Photoshop CS4 Extended, you can now work with 3D models as easily and powerfully as you can 2D images, without navigating dialog boxes and special layer contents. For the first time, you can paint directly on 3D models, easily convert 2D images or gradient maps into 3D objects, and convert layers into volumes. Wrap a flat design onto a 3D object by merging the 2D layer directly onto your 3D layer. Merge two different 3D layers into a single scene. You can even use video layers as textures, to turn any 3D object into a video display zone. Basic presets will speed the process or turning two-dimensional designs into common 3D shapes such as spheres and cylinders. You can also export 3D layers directly to the OBJ, KMZ, Collada, and U3D file formats. It all means that every creative professional can now take immediate advantage of three-dimensional assets created in today's high-end modeling applications, and use them in their 2D mock-ups and composites. The 3D engine has been rebuilt from the ground up to provide dramatically faster performance; allow editing of properties like lights, materials, and cameras; and create more realistic renderings with a new high-quality ray tracer. Enhanced motion graphics Adobe Photoshop is an essential part of the motion graphics workflow, and Photoshop CS4 Extended makes that workflow more efficient than ever, starting with the enhanced preview of non-square-pixel images. Easily preview and export the audio content of a video file as well as its frame comments. New keyboard shortcuts are enabled for the Animation panel to make fast work of editing between frames and keyframes. You can now animate the 3D object and camera position, render settings, and cross-sections, bringing new depth to motion-graphics editing. When working with 3D objects, you can even place video layers into your textures, turning any 3D object surface into a video display screen. Especially for film and television professionals, Adobe After Effects CS4 can now directly read and import 3D layers from Photoshop CS4 files. With Volume Rendering, the 2D images from a DICOM stack (left) become rich, 3D volumes that can be examined from any orientation. Click to enlarge. New Post Crop Vignetting lets you recreate artistic vignette effects in a photograph even after the original edge of the photo has been cropped away. Click to enlarge. Photoshop CS4 helps you keep your work area efficient and clutter-free, with a new unified application frame, tab-based interface and self-adjusting panels. Click to enlarge. Printing improvements in Photoshop CS4 include 16-bit printing (Mac OS X only) and preview of out-of-gamut colors. Click to enlarge. The Adobe Kuler panel makes it simple to browse, create, and share color themes online. Click to enlarge. Volume Rendering Volume Rendering is a new way to easily convert text, shape, or pixel layers into a volume. Artists can combine painted layers into entirely new and eye-catching 3D volumes. Motion graphics professionals can quickly turn text layers into animated 3D text. Medical professionals can volume render a DICOM image stack into a 3D anatomical image that can be viewed and explored from all angles and depths. Whether the goal is creative or scientific, Photoshop CS4 Extended adds exciting new capabilities with Volume Rendering. Easier data collection and analysis with the Count tool Allowing fast, simple, point-and-click tallying of objects in scientific images, the Count tool is expanded in Photoshop CS4 Extended to allow for multiple counts, as well as separate colors for each count. This data is easily saved into the file for future reference, and can be collected in the Measurement Log panel for comparison and export to standard text files. Unified tabbed interface with self-adjusting panels Photoshop CS4 helps you keep your work area efficient and clutter-free, with a new unified application frame, tab-based interface and self-adjusting panels. You'll notice immediately how the Photoshop interface appears cleaner--instead of having to arrange multiple image windows, Photoshop does it for you with a tab for each open image. Docked panel groups keep to the side of your images, so you have fewer things to move around while you work. Individual panels expand and contract automatically to show you the controls you need, and you can even collapse entire panel groups to their header rows with a single click. Of course, you can still manually arrange floating windows and panels to suit your working style, even moving all of your panels to a second monitor if you prefer. Smarter Smart Objects Smart Object layers allow for nondestructive scaling and transformation of Photoshoplayers. With Photoshop CS4, you can now apply perspective transformations to SmartObjects, work with linked layer masks, and use the new Eyedropper tool option to sampleeither the current layer or all of the layers in the Smart Object at once. More powerful printing options Photoshop CS4 brings even higher quality to large, detailed images when taken to print. You can now preview out-of-gamut colors and take advantage of a streamlined printing interface. In addition, only on Mac OS X for this release, 16-bit printing is available for the first time, vastly increasing the color depth and clarity possible in printing. Higher performance on very large images (Windows 64 only) Photoshop CS4 has now been optimized to take advantage of even more RAM on 64-bit-capable Windows PCs that are running a 64-bit version of Windows Vista. Additional refinements The evolution of Photoshop software always includes a vast array of small but important improvements and additions. Extra refinements in Photoshop CS4 include: - Support for multi-touch gestures available on newer Apple MacBook Pro and MacBook Air computers running Mac OS X Leopard
- Clone Stamp and Healing Brush live preview cursor for easier, more precise cloning and healing results
- Layer-based metadata enabling reading and writing strings to layer properties, such as recording time-stamp information for video
- Developers of specialized applications can create custom SWF-format panels that smoothly integrate with Photoshop CS4
- Extensible SWF-based File Info panel, enabling developers to add network-stored keywords, perform spell-checking, and other functions
- Unique IDs per document for easier downstream tracking of assets
- CUDO technology, providing the ability to design with sensitivity for color blind individuals via soft-proofing
- Spring-loaded keys to temporarily shift between tools by holding down a tool shortcut key
- FXG export
- Device Link color profile support
- Notes panel, to keep annotations from cluttering the canvas
Creative Pro Online Services Photoshop CS4 gives you built-in access to a world of online resources with Creative Pro Online Services. Search for help; share your screen with colleagues or clients in a few clicks; create and share color harmonies; and more. Adobe Community Help Get the power of an online search engine with targeted results. Searchable content includes the in-depth Photoshop Help, plus additional Adobe and third-party content chosen by experts at Adobe and in the design and production communities. With Adobe Community Help, you can find the focused answers you need, fast, simply by choosing Help > Photoshop Help (Internet connection required). is a set of online services--file sharing and storage, PDF converter, online word processor, and web conferencing--that you can use to create and share documents, communicate in real time, and simplify working with others. Thanks to the connection between one of the services, Adobe ConnectNow, and Photoshop CS4, you can meet live over the web to share your screen, present creative concepts and ideas, and brainstorm with up to two online guests for no additional service charge. To share your screen with colleagues and clients, choose File > Share My Screen. Guests can then see your desktop on their screens as you work. You can exchange ideas using the chat pod, add a live video or audio feed, or use the Whiteboard feature to enable guests to comment on content. You can even temporarily hand over control of the screen to a guest to collaborate on a file. Additional services, such as Share, Create PDF, My Files, and Adobe Buzzword, are accessible via your web browser. (Internet connection required.) Adobe Kuler Explore, create, and share color themes with Adobe Kuler. Kick start your creative projects with color inspiration from the online Kuler community. Browse thousands of themes by newest, most popular, or highest rated; or search themes by tag word, title, or creator. Themes can be downloaded and moved to your Swatches panel with one click. Or use an interactive color wheel that supports standard harmony rules to develop new color themes that you can save, move to your Swatches panel, and upload to share with others (Internet connection required for community functionality). Adobe Bridge Home Click Bridge Home in the Favorites panel of Adobe Bridge CS4 and stay up to date with what's new from Adobe, and from the design, web development, and video and audio production communities at large. Watch the latest video tutorials for your Creative Suite 4 components, listen to a podcast interview with a leading designer, or learn about the next training event in your community. Discover tips and resources that can help you make the most of Photoshop CS4 (Internet connection required). Part of the Adobe Creative Suite 4 family Adobe Photoshop CS4 and Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended are important components of the Adobe Creative Suite 4 family of software. Creative Suite 4 Design Premium is everything a modern designer needs to create eye-catching images, breathtaking graphics, expert typography, precision layout, and high-quality production for print, web, interactive, and mobile content. Creative Suite 4 Web Premium is a complete solution for creating interactive websites, applications, user interfaces, presentations, mobile device content, Adobe AIR applications, and other digital experiences. Creative Suite 4 Production Premium is must-have software for creative professionals who need to craft world-class video, audio, and interactive media--on-air, online, on-device, and invariably on deadline. Creative Suite 4 Master Collection is the complete solution for customers requiring the ultimate power and versatility of the complete line of Adobe Creative Suite 4 components.  Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended Available languages versions: Retail Price: $999.95 Our Price: $119.95 You Save: $880 | |
Account Activation at CyberHackers - Forum Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:57 AM PST |
Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:56 AM PST Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 (SP3) is the next version of the Windows operating system, designed for business of all sizes, and for individuals who demand the most from their computing experience. Windows XP Professional with SP3 goes beyond the benefits of Windows XP Home Edition, with advanced capabilities designed specifically to optimize productivity using the latest advancements in the digital world. Built on the solid foundation of Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional with SP3 provides improved reliability, security, performance and ease of use, setting the new standard in efficient and dependable computing. The Windows XP Service Pack 3 brings you the latest security updates and features from Microsoft so you can use the Internet with even more confidence. A new Windows Security Center lets you manage all of your computers security settings in one place. Plus, a new Windows firewall, a new pop-up blocker and new antivirus protection combine to provide better protection against virus, hackers and worms! System requirements - 233 megahertz (MHz) processor - 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM - 1.8 GB of available hard disk space during installation  Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 Available languages versions: Retail Price: $259.95 Our Price: $59.95 You Save: $200 |
Windows 7 Ultimate 32 & 64 bit Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:38 AM PST Windows 7 Ultimate is the most versatile and powerful edition of Windows 7. It combines remarkable ease-of-use with the entertainment features of Home Premium and the business capabilities of Professional, including the ability to run many Windows XP productivity programs in Windows XP Mode. For added security, you can encrypt your data with BitLocker and BitLocker To Go. And for extra flexibility, you can work in any of 35 languages. Get it all with Windows 7 Ultimate. More work, more play, and more of everything in between. Click to enlarge. | Designed for people who want it all
Easiest Windows to use ever
Simplify your PC with new navigation features like Aero Shake, Jump Lists, and Snap. Customize Windows to look and feel the way you like by changing themes and taskbar programs. Easy to network (with or without a server). Back up your complete system over a network. Help protect data on your PC or portable storage device against loss or theft with BitLocker.
Faster and more flexible
Designed to make your PC sleep and resume quicker. Takes full advantage of 64-bit PC hardware and memory. Windows XP Mode gives you the business flexibility you need. Switch between any of 35 languages.
Manage lots of open programs, documents, and browser windows easily with thumbnail and full-screen previews of open windows. Click to enlarge.
With Snap you can arrange two windows side-by-side just by dragging them to opposite sides of your screen. Click to enlarge.
Open files you use regularly in just two clicks with Jump Lists on the improved taskbar.
Best PC entertainment experience
Watch, pause, rewind, and record TV with Windows Media Center. Blu-ray read/write support for data files. Includes integrated video and Dolby audio codecs. Simplifies Everyday Tasks
Simple to use
Preview Manage lots of open programs, documents, and browser windows easily with thumbnail and full-screen previews of open windows.
Pin Open files and get around your PC faster with the improved taskbar. You can easily pin programs you use often to the taskbar and launch them in just one click.
Windows 7 lets you peek behind open windows to get a quick look at your desktop. Click to enlarge.
Instantly locate and open virtually any file on your PC right from the Start menu with Windows Search. Click to enlarge.
Turn your PC into a TV with Windows Media Center, and enjoy your favorite videos and music with Windows Media Player. Click to enlarge.
Jump Lists Open files you use regularly in just two clicks with Jump Lists on the improved taskbar.
Snap Windows 7 has simple new ways to manage open windows. For example, with Snap you can arrange two windows side-by-side just by dragging them to opposite sides of your screen.
Peek and Shake Windows 7 lets you peek behind open windows to get a quick look at your desktop.
Windows Search Instantly locate and open virtually any file on your PC, from documents to emails to songs, right from the Start menu, with Windows Search.
Easy to connect
Wireless setup With Windows 7, setting up wireless connections is easier with consistent, one-click connections to available networks, whether those networks are based on Wi-Fi, mobile broadband, dial-up, or corporate VPN.
HomeGroup Connect Windows 7 PCs on a home network in just four clicks and easily get to the photos, music, and files on each one--even share printers--with HomeGroup.
Easy to browse the web
Internet Explorer 8 Visual search helps you quickly find the information you want by adding visual cues and previews to search results from top search providers including Live Search, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Amazon, and others.
Internet Explorer 8 Use Web slices to conveniently keep up with changes on frequently updated websites, like eBay auctions or traffic sites, directly from the IE8 toolbar.
Easy to communicate and share
Windows Live Photo Gallery Windows Live Photo Gallery makes share your photos to your favorite photo site easy.
Windows Live Mail Windows Live Mail makes managing multiple email accounts easy.
Windows Live Family Safety Keep your child safe by managing what sites they can visit and who they can send/receive emails and im communications from.
Note: Windows Live components need to be downloaded separately.
Setting up wireless connections is easier with consistent, one-click connections to available networks. Click to enlarge.
Enjoy the photos, music, and videos on your home PC when you're away from home with remote media streaming. Click to enlarge.
Windows Touch makes PCs with touch screens easier and more intuitive to use. Click to enlarge.
Manage Backup and Restore and other features through Action Center. Click to enlarge.
Search, organize, and edit files across a network in the same way you would a single folder.Click to enlarge.
Works The Way You Want
Faster and More Reliable
Resume from sleep We designed Windows 7 to help PCs sleep and resume from sleep more quickly by improving the way Windows 7 manages drivers, programs, and power.
Faster and more reliable We reduced the amount of memory your PC needs for open windows and to execute commands to help it be more responsive to commands.
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Makes New Things Possible
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Windows Media Center Watch shows for free when and where you want with Internet TV.
DirectX 11 DirectX 11 technology delivers breathtaking game graphics so real, it's unreal.
New ways to engage
Windows Touch Windows Touch makes PCs with touch screens easier and more intuitive to use.
Media on your terms
Windows Media Player More and more consumer electronics, from TVs to digital photo frames, can be connected to home networks. With Play To in Windows 7, you'll be able to easily send music, photos, videos from your PC to a networked device throughout your home.
You can enjoy the photos, music, and videos on your home PC when you're away from home with remote media streaming.
Work anywhere
Location Aware Printing Windows 7 will automatically pick the right printer for you when you move from home to work networks.
Work anywhere with less effort.
Get connected in three clicks wherever there's a wireless network connection. Keep documents on your PC and on network servers in sync automatically. Your PC will automatically use the printer you prefer for whatever network you're on. Simplify making presentations special settings that keep your PC from sleeping and turn off messages, notifications, and screen savers. Instantly locate virtually any file, email, or document on your PC just by typing a word or two. Get around your PC faster with the improved taskbar. Open programs you use regularly in one click and files you use regularly in just two. Manage lots of open programs, documents, and browser windows easily with thumbnail and full-screen previews of open windows. Manage multiple email accounts, including Hotmail, Gmail, AOL, and Yahoo! Mail Plus, all in one place with one simple program. Get to the files, photos, and music on any PC with Windows 7 in the house from any other. Print to any printer in the house from any PC with Windows 7 in the house.
Safeguard your hard work.
Advanced Backup and Restore makes it easier to keep your work safely backed up to external or network drives and accessible if you need it. File encryption helps keep proprietary and confidential information on a PC secure if it is lost or stolen. Preserve your investment in programs designed for Windows XP with Windows XP Mode. Windows Internet Explorer 8 helps keep your PC safer from malware and you safer from fraudulent websites designed to fool you into divulging private information. Easily add your PC to a secured, managed, network with domain join capabilities. Group policy controls help administrators more easily and effectively manage the security and configuration of multiple PCs.

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
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List Price:$339.99
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Copyright © 2010 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. eBay and the eBay logo are trademarks of eBay Inc. |  |
Windows 7 Ultimate 32 & 64 bit Posted: 15 Feb 2010 01:31 AM PST Windows 7 Ultimate is the most versatile and powerful edition of Windows 7. It combines remarkable ease-of-use with the entertainment features of Home Premium and the business capabilities of Professional, including the ability to run many Windows XP productivity programs in Windows XP Mode. For added security, you can encrypt your data with BitLocker and BitLocker To Go. And for extra flexibility, you can work in any of 35 languages. Get it all with Windows 7 Ultimate. More work, more play, and more of everything in between. Click to enlarge. | Designed for people who want it all
Easiest Windows to use ever
Simplify your PC with new navigation features like Aero Shake, Jump Lists, and Snap. Customize Windows to look and feel the way you like by changing themes and taskbar programs. Easy to network (with or without a server). Back up your complete system over a network. Help protect data on your PC or portable storage device against loss or theft with BitLocker.
Faster and more flexible
Designed to make your PC sleep and resume quicker. Takes full advantage of 64-bit PC hardware and memory. Windows XP Mode gives you the business flexibility you need. Switch between any of 35 languages.
Manage lots of open programs, documents, and browser windows easily with thumbnail and full-screen previews of open windows. Click to enlarge.
With Snap you can arrange two windows side-by-side just by dragging them to opposite sides of your screen. Click to enlarge.
Open files you use regularly in just two clicks with Jump Lists on the improved taskbar.
Best PC entertainment experience
Watch, pause, rewind, and record TV with Windows Media Center. Blu-ray read/write support for data files. Includes integrated video and Dolby audio codecs. Simplifies Everyday Tasks
Simple to use
Preview Manage lots of open programs, documents, and browser windows easily with thumbnail and full-screen previews of open windows.
Pin Open files and get around your PC faster with the improved taskbar. You can easily pin programs you use often to the taskbar and launch them in just one click.
Windows 7 lets you peek behind open windows to get a quick look at your desktop. Click to enlarge.
Instantly locate and open virtually any file on your PC right from the Start menu with Windows Search. Click to enlarge.
Turn your PC into a TV with Windows Media Center, and enjoy your favorite videos and music with Windows Media Player. Click to enlarge.
Jump Lists Open files you use regularly in just two clicks with Jump Lists on the improved taskbar.
Snap Windows 7 has simple new ways to manage open windows. For example, with Snap you can arrange two windows side-by-side just by dragging them to opposite sides of your screen.
Peek and Shake Windows 7 lets you peek behind open windows to get a quick look at your desktop.
Windows Search Instantly locate and open virtually any file on your PC, from documents to emails to songs, right from the Start menu, with Windows Search.
Easy to connect
Wireless setup With Windows 7, setting up wireless connections is easier with consistent, one-click connections to available networks, whether those networks are based on Wi-Fi, mobile broadband, dial-up, or corporate VPN.
HomeGroup Connect Windows 7 PCs on a home network in just four clicks and easily get to the photos, music, and files on each one--even share printers--with HomeGroup.
Easy to browse the web
Internet Explorer 8 Visual search helps you quickly find the information you want by adding visual cues and previews to search results from top search providers including Live Search, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Amazon, and others.
Internet Explorer 8 Use Web slices to conveniently keep up with changes on frequently updated websites, like eBay auctions or traffic sites, directly from the IE8 toolbar.
Easy to communicate and share
Windows Live Photo Gallery Windows Live Photo Gallery makes share your photos to your favorite photo site easy.
Windows Live Mail Windows Live Mail makes managing multiple email accounts easy.
Windows Live Family Safety Keep your child safe by managing what sites they can visit and who they can send/receive emails and im communications from.
Note: Windows Live components need to be downloaded separately.
Setting up wireless connections is easier with consistent, one-click connections to available networks. Click to enlarge.
Enjoy the photos, music, and videos on your home PC when you're away from home with remote media streaming. Click to enlarge.
Windows Touch makes PCs with touch screens easier and more intuitive to use. Click to enlarge.
Manage Backup and Restore and other features through Action Center. Click to enlarge.
Search, organize, and edit files across a network in the same way you would a single folder.Click to enlarge.
Works The Way You Want
Faster and More Reliable
Resume from sleep We designed Windows 7 to help PCs sleep and resume from sleep more quickly by improving the way Windows 7 manages drivers, programs, and power.
Faster and more reliable We reduced the amount of memory your PC needs for open windows and to execute commands to help it be more responsive to commands.
Fewer clicks and less interruptions
Makes New Things Possible
Media on your terms
Windows Media Center Turn your PC into a TV with Windows Media Center.
Windows Media Center Watch shows for free when and where you want with Internet TV.
DirectX 11 DirectX 11 technology delivers breathtaking game graphics so real, it's unreal.
New ways to engage
Windows Touch Windows Touch makes PCs with touch screens easier and more intuitive to use.
Media on your terms
Windows Media Player More and more consumer electronics, from TVs to digital photo frames, can be connected to home networks. With Play To in Windows 7, you'll be able to easily send music, photos, videos from your PC to a networked device throughout your home.
You can enjoy the photos, music, and videos on your home PC when you're away from home with remote media streaming.
Work anywhere
Location Aware Printing Windows 7 will automatically pick the right printer for you when you move from home to work networks.
Work anywhere with less effort.
Get connected in three clicks wherever there's a wireless network connection. Keep documents on your PC and on network servers in sync automatically. Your PC will automatically use the printer you prefer for whatever network you're on. Simplify making presentations special settings that keep your PC from sleeping and turn off messages, notifications, and screen savers. Instantly locate virtually any file, email, or document on your PC just by typing a word or two. Get around your PC faster with the improved taskbar. Open programs you use regularly in one click and files you use regularly in just two. Manage lots of open programs, documents, and browser windows easily with thumbnail and full-screen previews of open windows. Manage multiple email accounts, including Hotmail, Gmail, AOL, and Yahoo! Mail Plus, all in one place with one simple program. Get to the files, photos, and music on any PC with Windows 7 in the house from any other. Print to any printer in the house from any PC with Windows 7 in the house.
Safeguard your hard work.
Advanced Backup and Restore makes it easier to keep your work safely backed up to external or network drives and accessible if you need it. File encryption helps keep proprietary and confidential information on a PC secure if it is lost or stolen. Preserve your investment in programs designed for Windows XP with Windows XP Mode. Windows Internet Explorer 8 helps keep your PC safer from malware and you safer from fraudulent websites designed to fool you into divulging private information. Easily add your PC to a secured, managed, network with domain join capabilities. Group policy controls help administrators more easily and effectively manage the security and configuration of multiple PCs.

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Available languages versions:
latform: Windows 7
List Price:$339.99
Price:$99.95 Details
You Save:$300.04
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