Friday, February 5, 2010

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Word of the Day - Regional Internet Registry

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 01:11 PM PST

February 05, 2010 Published by

Word of the Day
Overheard in the Tech Blogosphere:
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"The Number Resource Organization (NRO) announced that less than 10% of the remaining IPv4 addresses are unallocated, and that puts IPv4 on the endangered species list. What's NRO? The group that officially represents the five Regional Internet Registries that oversee Internet number resources."
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AD All-in-One Guide: Backup
The burden of implementing a backup scheme that is fast, safe and cost-effective remains a serious challenge for storage administrators. This All-In-One Guide covers a lot of ground from traditional tape to emerging technologies such as continuous data protection and content-addressed storage. Get started learning now.


Regional Internet Registry
A Regional Internet Registry (RIR) is a not-for-profit organization that oversees Internet Protocol (IP) address space (IPv4 and IPv6) and the Autonomous System (AS) numbers within a specific geographical region. There are five regional RIRs across the globe: ARIN, RIPE, APNIC, LACNIC and AfriNIC. Together, they are known as the Number Resource Organization (NRO).

The Regional Internet Registries were were established by Internet service providers (ISPs) during the 1990s in response to the rapid growth of the Internet. They were recognized in IETF RFC 2050 as a way to build consensus and establish a set of consistent global policies. Each individual RIR is tasked with creating local policies for managing the finite number of identity elements (unique addresses and numbers) that routers, switches and computers use on the Internet by:

  • Providing a public registry documenting address space allocations and assignments.
  • Assisting in the maintenance of Internet routing tables.
  • Supporting Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) techniques.
  • Preventing instabilities due to market distortions such as stockpiling or other forms of manipulation.

Learn more about the "Development of the Regional Internet Registry System."
The NRO has a video that explains how RIRs work.


Secret Word of the Day
An IP address has three parts: the network number, the ________ number, and the machine number. What's the secret word?

Acronym Challenge
ARIN is responsible for managing IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in Canada, the United States and many Caribbean and North Atlantic islands. What does ARIN stand for?
a. American Registry of Internet Numbers
b. Atlantic Registry of Internet Numbers

Tech Trivia
What version of the Internet Protocol increased the potential number of unique addresses by lengthening the addresses from 32 bits to 128 bits?

Writing for Business
The RIRs felt the report was unclear and requested a new plan defining __________ changes rather than broad, ill-defined goals.
a. substantial
b. substantive
Which is correct?


IP addressing and subnetting explained
This IP addressing and subnetting crash course provides an overview of address-related topics, including IPv4 and IPv6, subnetting, DHCP and calculating subnet masks.

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Posted: 05 Feb 2010 11:22 AM PST

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US miscalculated Karzai`s ability to out-manoeuvre his rivals!


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Science - 05 February 2010

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Science - 05 February 2010

PDF | 141 Pages | English | 10.9 Mb

A science magazine is a periodical publication with news, opinions and reports about science for a non-expert audience. Science magazines are read by non-scientists and scientists who want accessible information on fields outside their specialization.

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Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:33 AM PST

Sea Journey

Sea Journey

PC Game | Match 3 | 32.6 MB

Become the captain of a ship and experience thrilling battles at sea, in Sea Journey, a unique Match 3 game. Each match you make has an outcome on the battle, so use your wits to create a strategy as you battle pirates across the ocean. Collect gold coins and jewels to purchase devastating new abilities, and upgrade your ship as you journey. Make the sea safe again for everyone by vanquishing your enemies!

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Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:31 AM PST

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Outside one's body and experience things impossible in the physical world. "Dreams and Astral Travel" explores the mysteries surrounding dreams and looks at experiences that suggest that dreams are far more than the result of mere imagination and subconscious thoughts of individuals. Included in this fascinating volume are practical tips on how young readers can better understand their own dreams and put dreams to work for them. The chapters include: The Fall and Rebirth of Dreams; Science Ventures into Dreamland; Night Flying; The Astral World; The Psychic Side of Dreams; and, Dreams That Heal.

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Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:30 AM PST

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John Montroll, "Origami for the Enthusiast"

1980 | 128 Pages | ISBN: 0486237990 | PDF | 55.5 MB

Twenty-five original paper animal creations offer strong challenges to origamists seeking advanced projects. Well-known origamist Montroll shows how to fold fish, ostrich, peacock, squirrel, rhinoceros, Pegasus, and 19 other intricate subjects. Complete instructions. Diagrams.

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The exercises here are based on hitori waza, the simple building blocks that underlie the most spectacular Aikido throws. These are augmented with testing techniques, class demonstrations, and underlying basics of physics, anatomy, and psychology. The book includes an explanation of the relationships between exercises and throws; an approach for safe mastery of rolling and ukemi skills; the anatomy of wristlocks; useful training equipment; exercises for individual, off-mat practice; and verbal self-defense techniques.

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Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:30 AM PST

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Scott Mueller, "Upgrading and Repairing PCs"

ISBN: 0789739542 | 2009 | PDF | 1176 pages | 16.6 MB

For 20 years, Upgrading and Repairing PCs has been the industry�s #1 guide to PC hardware: the single source for reliable, step-by-step information on identifying and fixing problems, adding hardware, optimizing performance, and building new PCs from scratch. Now, this 19th Edition has been completely updated to focus on today�s technologies and today�s maintenance challenges!

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Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:24 AM PST

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Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:24 AM PST

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Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:09 AM PST

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Posted: 05 Feb 2010 07:55 AM PST

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Whether you're a seasoned player or just a beginner, get ready to tee off for a quick and fun match with four animates stylish characters. Putt your way through 36 fun-filled holes of mini-golf on 3D designed courses with elevated greens, bunkers, bridges and water hazards, among other crazy obstacles. Also choose from an array of different environments to fit your mood that includes the Classic Carnival, The Old West or Outer Space.

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Hard Truck Apocalypse Rise of Clans | 543 MB

Clans have risen. The remains of humanity gather in cities forming tribes that work and fight together to survive. Become part of one of these clans in the apocalyptic world of the first official add-on of Hard Truck Apocalypse. Developed by Buka Entertainment and Targem, this add-on brings more of the post-apocalyptic action/RPG this series is known for.

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Posted: 05 Feb 2010 11:12 AM PST

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How to understand Grey's Anatomy from a guy's perspective


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T3 Magazine - March 2010

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 11:11 AM PST

T3 Magazine - March 2010

T3 Magazine - March 2010

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:28 AM PST


T3 Magazine - March 2010
PDF | 157 pages | 61.4 Mb | English

T3 is the world's no.1 gadget magazine, covering everything from MP3 players, to home cinema systems and games consoles. It's packed with the latest tech news, reviews and features and delivers a one-stop shop for the gadget-obsessed tech-oholic.

Mac Format - March 2010

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:23 AM PST


Mac Format - March 2010
PDF | 133 pages | 61.6 Mb | English

MacFormat is full of practical, authoritative and passionate Mac advice. We're dedicated to covering everything Apple does, including the Mac, iPod and iPhone. Every issue brings you reviews of the latest Mac kit, help and advice and a disc packed with full programs and the latest demos. We’ll make sure you get more from your Mac!

Lowes Creative Ideas for Woodworkers - Winter 2010

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:21 AM PST


Lowes Creative Ideas for Woodworkers - Winter 2010
English | PDF | 24 pages | 12 Mb

Origami from Canon

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:21 AM PST

Origami from Canon
Origami - the ancient art of folding paper figures.

Animation for mobile

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:21 AM PST

Animation for mobile
40 JPEG | 240x320 ~ 320x480 | 16.07 Mb

Pictures Desctop

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:20 AM PST

Pictures Desctop
51 JPEG | 1024x768 ~ 1920x1200 | 12.72 Mb

Hakin9 - February 2010

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:09 AM PST


Hakin9 - February 2010
Polish | 69 pages | PDF | 28.11 MB

Hakin9 Poland is a monthly publication on IT Security.

Feel Good Food - Spring 2010

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:07 AM PST


Feel Good Food - Spring 2010
PDF | 157 pages | 54.4 Mb | English

Woman & Home's Feel Good Food is all about wonderful recipes and tips and how food can affect your health and mood. We are what we eat and Feel Good Food recipes will help to destress you, energise you - simple help you to feel GREAT!

Essentials - March 2010

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:05 AM PST


Essentials - March 2010
PDF | 141 pages | 58.1 Mb | English

Essentials - the UK's most useful magazine. Packed with hundreds of useful tips and ideas on beauty, fashion, home and wellbeing you'll be wanting to keep this on file! Every month, a 32-page special section of the magazine is dedicated to great 'How to Advice' for your life. Fabulous easy recipes, step by step beauty, simple style tips for your home etc.

More Magazine - February 2010 (US)

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:03 AM PST


More Magazine - February 2010 (US)
English | 154 pages | PDF | 54.40 Mb

More Magazine is written for women of an older generation who want MORE than just good fashion or housekeeping advice. For women who have already accomplished raising their children or success in their careers, More magazine offers new inspiration and ideas for making the most of life, today and in the future!

Town & Country - February 2010

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:54 AM PST


Town & Country - February 2010
PDF | 121 pages | 40.8 Mb | English

Town & Country features the latest in luxury, from beautiful homes, sumptuous dining to exotic locations. In 12 gorgeous annual issues, Town & Country covers the arts, fashion and culture, bringing the best of everything to America's trendsetters.

Microsoft Windows 7 Professional E x86-x64 Retail English DVD - ISO [Original Image]

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:37 AM PST

Microsoft Windows 7 Professional E x86-x64 Retail English DVD - ISO [Original Image]
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional E x86/x64 Retail English DVD - ISO [Original Image] | 5.33GB

October 22, 2009 will the greatest event in the history of Microsoft, in this day around the world in the free sale will do the final release of Windows 7 as well as server versions of Windows Server 2008 R2. Even now, ie before the official distribution, operating system, Windows 7 is about 2% of the market, this is a great start! On the day of release in the network will be more than 240 different distributions of the operating system, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, in different languages and versions. The only thing on October 20, 2009 was rebuilt from the release of Windows 7 so it ALL "N" distributions of Windows 7.

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Retail Final x86 (32 bit) and x64 (64 bit)[Original MSDN][Bootable DVD]

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:37 AM PST

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Retail Final x86 (32 bit) and x64 (64 bit)[Original MSDN][Bootable DVD]
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Retail Final x86 (32 bit) and x64 (64 bit)[Original MSDN][Bootable DVD] | 5.34 GB

*Windows 7 Ultimate Retail(Final) - x86/x64
*Original MSDN DVD | 100% Working Activators Provided (Verified) - Fully Updatable
*Bootable DVD
Windows 7 is the latest version of Microsoft Windows, a series of operating systems produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, tablet PCs and media center PCs.

Windows 7 Home Premium x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (English)

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:36 AM PST

Windows 7 Home Premium x64  MSDN ORIGINALS (English)
Windows 7 Home Premium x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (English) | 3 GB
File: en_windows_7_home_premium_x64_dvd_x15-65733.iso
MD5: 758887088235024058D1C8EB6EFB85A8
SHA1: 336779EA6B65F63E11A609B4D021439C47AB315B
CRC32: 56D954E4

Windows 7 Ultimate Retail (Final) 32bit-64bit Original MSDN (22-10-09)

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:35 AM PST

Windows 7 Ultimate Retail (Final) 32bit-64bit Original MSDN (22-10-09)
Windows 7 Ultimate Retail (Final) 32bit/64bit Original MSDN (22/10/09) | 5.34 GB

Windows 7 is the latest version of Microsoft Windows, a series of operating systems produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, tablet PCs and media center PCs.Windows 7 was released to manufacturing (RTM) on July 22, 2009, with general retail availability set for October 22, 2009, less than three years after the release of its predecessor, Windows Vista.

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Arabic)

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:34 AM PST

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Arabic)
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Arabic) | 3 GB
File Name: ar_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-66042.iso
SHA1: 21E2E51C9C754986EEBD85DEF9756710608C43EB
ISO/CRC: 4D644022

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Brazil)

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:33 AM PST

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Brazil)
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Brazil) | 3 GB
File Name: pt_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65902.iso
SHA1: 4BBA03EA96D52A8DB243F37DBC3821CB53D97586

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Norwegian)

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:33 AM PST

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Norwegian)
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Norwegian) | 3 GB
File Name: no_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65944.iso
SHA1: 940E0144334C04B7C8BFE59D7BEB774B7CBE9D1F

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Portuguese)

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:32 AM PST

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Portuguese)
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Portuguese) | 3 GB
File Name: pp_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65948.iso
SHA1: 89502FF0BA9628536E1D1B1A0640EDE1C27BC64C
ISO/CRC: 00187C3A

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Russian)

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:31 AM PST

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Russian)
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Russian) | 3 GB
File Name: ru_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65952.iso
SHA1: 81A09A02F0084BD0F5813F494F82A8B6426AA34A

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Slovak)

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:30 AM PST

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Slovak)
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 MSDN ORIGINALS (Slovak) | 3 GB
File Name: sk_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65956.iso
SHA1: 7E2BE82498E8ADAB836095E0D0450656FBB10A47

Advanced SystemCare Pro Multilanguage Portable

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:29 AM PST

Advanced SystemCare Pro Multilanguage Portable
Advanced SystemCare PRO Edition The World’s Top System Utility for Superior PC Health. Advanced SystemCare PRO (formerly Advanced WinodwsCare Professional) provides an always-on, automated, all-in-one PC Healthcare Service with anti-spyware, privacy protection, performance tune-ups, and system cleaning capabilities. This powerful and award-winning precision tool fixes stubborn errors, cleans out clutter, optimizes internet and download speeds, ensures personal security and maintains maximum computer performance automatically.

MajorShare RapidShare Downloader 4.19 Portable

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:25 AM PST

MajorShare RapidShare Downloader 4.19 Portable
MajorShare RapidShare Downloader – Program for batch downloading files from the well-known fayloobmennika RapidShare. Supports both Free and Premium downloads. Especially useful for users who do not have premium account and a good alternative to Universal Share Downloader (USD) and Jdownloader RapidShare Autodownloader.

Panda Internet Security 2010 Build 15.01.00

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:21 AM PST

Panda Internet Security 2010 Build 15.01.00
Panda Internet Security 2010 – is a comprehensive security solution that gives you complete protection against all types of Internet threats. The product protects you from viruses, spyware, rootkits, hackers, online fraud, theft of confidential information and all other types of Internet threats. Anti-spam engine protects your inbox from unwanted messages, and Parental Controls will make use of the Internet safe for your family. With the new Collective Intelligence technology, the program runs much faster than previous versiyami.Sovmestim with Windows 7.

Little Foxes [2009] DVDRip XviD

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:18 AM PST

Little Foxes [2009] DVDRip XviD

Survivor S20 Special Surviving Survivor HDTV XviD-FQM

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:17 AM PST



Survivor S20 Special Surviving Survivor HDTV XviD-FQM
XviD | MP3 VBR | 350MB

Former “Survivor” castaways recall memorable moments. Also: a preview of “Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains.” Among those interviewed: Richard Hatch; Russell Hantz; Jerri Manthey; Colby Donaldson; Parvati Shallow; Cirie Fields; James Clement; Stephenie LaGrossa; Tom Westman; and Benjamin “Coach” Wade.



Armored (2009) DVDRIP XviD scOrp

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:12 AM PST

Armored (2009) DVDRIP XviD scOrp

Lost 6 season - The final season (2010/HDTV/ENG/SubITA)

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:09 AM PST

Lost 6 season - The final season (2010/HDTV/ENG/SubITA)

Lost 6 season - The final season (2010/HDTV/ENG/SubITA) | 1h 21min | Episode 1-2 | 699.34 MB

Genre: Adventure | Drama | Fantasy | Mystery | Romance | Thriller

After a mysterious and bloody airplane crash, 48 survivors are left stranded on a Pacific Island... miles off course. It soon becomes apparent that they will not have to cope only with the forces of nature, but with the island's secrets, including the Dharma Initiative, the 'Lost Numbers', the "others" (or hostiles) and the strange black smoke- to name a few. There is also much more than meets the eye, as it becomes apparent that everyone is connected in some way and that everyone has a purpose to live on the island... and for some, to die. Written by Anonymous

Episode 1: LA X: Part 1
Flight 815 is shown successfully landing in Los Angeles with no crash on the island, but the survivors are simultaneously shown still on the island after Juliet detonates the bomb.

Episode 2: LA X: Part 2
Back on the island, the guys were preparing to take Sayid to the temple. Hurley pulled out the guitar case, but didn't tell Hurley what was in it after having told him it wasn't a guitar. Sawyer was preparing to bury Juliet. Kate told Sawyer she'd leave a trail so he could follow them when he was done, but Sawyer said he wasn't going to follow anyone.

To be continued ...

Lost 6 season - The final season (2010/HDTV/ENG/SubITA) Lost 6 season - The final season (2010/HDTV/ENG/SubITA) Lost 6 season - The final season (2010/HDTV/ENG/SubITA)

Spelling Made Easy

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 09:05 AM PST


Spelling Made Easy

PC | Win95-Vista | Educational | DAA | 165 MB
5% RAR Recovery Record

Avatar DVDScr xvid - IMAGiNE - 550 MKV Latest Release

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 08:52 AM PST

Avatar DVDScr xvid - IMAGiNE - 550 MKV Latest Release
IMDB rating: 8.9/10 (12,466 votes)


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Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:59 AM PST Solo-Ad
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Secret Folder 08 for MAC

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:43 AM PST

Adobe Acrobat 7 Professional for MAC $79.96
Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro for MAC $99.95
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Art Text for MAC $19.95
Audio Hijack Pro 2.9 for MAC $19.95
Autopano Giga for MAC $69.95
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Blue Crab 4.9 for MAC $19.95
Business Card Composer for MAC $19.95
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CoverScout 3 for MAC $19.95
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium for MAC $229.95
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DiskCatalogMaker 6 for MAC $19.95
Dragoman 1.6 for MAC $19.95
DVDRemaster 5 for MAC $19.95
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onOne Plug-In Suite 5 for MAC $99.95
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Secret Folder 08 for MAC $15.95
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Expression Studio 2

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:40 AM PST

ABBYY FineReader 10 Professional Edition $59.95
ABBYY FineReader Express Edition for Mac $49.95
ABBYY PDF Transformer 3 $39.95
Accurender 4 $79.95
ACDSee Canvas 11 with GIS+ $79.95
ACDSee Photo Editor 2008 $29.95
ACDSee Photo Manager 2009 $29.95
ACDSee Picture Frame Manager $25.95
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Adobe Acrobat Pro 8 $79.95
Adobe After Effects CS4 $119.95
Adobe Audition 2 $79.95
Adobe Audition CS3 $89.95
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Adobe Creative Suite 4 Production Premium $239.95
Alcohol 120% $29.95
Aperture 2 $69.95
AutoCAD 2006 $99.95
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AutoCAD 2010 32 and 64 bit $189.95
AutoCAD Architecture 2008 $169.95
AutoCAD Architecture 2009 32 and 64 bit $189.95
AutoCAD Architecture 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
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AutoCAD MEP 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite 2009 $199.95
AutoCAD Revit MEP Suite 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
Autodesk Revit Structure 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
Autopano Pro 1.4.2 $39.95
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AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall 8 $19.95
AVG File Server Edition 8 $39.95
AVG Internet Security 8 $29.95
AVG Internet Security 9 $39.95
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BPM Studio 4 Pro $69.95
Bryce 6 $39.95
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CopyToDVD 4 $19.95
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Nicon Capture NX 2 $49.95
Elby CloneDVD 2 $29.95
Adobe Captivate 4 $79.95
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Adobe Captivate CS3 $79.95
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium $229.95
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection $299.95
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium $219.95
Autodesk Cleaner XL 1.5 $99.95
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 32 bit $189.95
ImTOO Video Converter 5 for Mac $29.95
Expression Studio 2 $99.95
Expression Studio 3 $99.95
Expression Web 2 $79.95
Thomson EndNote X3 $49.95
Adobe eLearning Suite $299.95
Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 $49.95
Adobe Premiere Elements 7 $49.95
AutoCAD Electrical 2009 32 and 64 bit $185.95
AutoCAD Electrical 2008 $169.95
Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 for Mac $49.95
Dragon Burn 4.5 $19.95
Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Preferred $59.95
Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Professional $129.95
Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Standard $39.95
DVD neXt COPY Ultimate $39.95
NTI CD and DVD Maker Platinum v6.5.0.33 $19.95
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium $259.95
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 $119.95
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 $99.95
Family Tree Maker 2009 Deluxe $39.95
FIFA 10 $19.95
FileMaker Pro 10 Advanced $99.95
FileMaker Pro 9 Advanced $99.95
FileMaker Server 10 Advanced $119.95
FileMaker Server 9 Advanced $149.95
Final Cut Studio 2 with Content $249.95
Final Cut Studio 3 Full Pack with Content $269.95
Final Draft 8 $79.95
Finale 2009 $69.95
FotoSlate 4 Photo Print Studio $19.95
Freeway 5 Pro $59.95
FRONTPAGE 2003 PRO $39.95
Adobe Fireworks CS4 $89.95
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Adobe Flex Builder 3 Pro $79.95
Adobe Fireworks CS3 $79.95
Adobe Flash CS3 Professional $99.95
VMware Fusion 2 $39.95
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Guitar Pro 5 with RSE $29.95
Hallmark Card Studio 2009 Deluxe $29.95
iLife `09 $59.95
iWork '09 $59.95
Adobe Illustrator CS4 $119.95
Adobe InCopy CS4 $79.95
Adobe InDesign CS4 $119.95
Adobe Illustrator CS3 $99.95
Adobe InDesign CS3 $99.95
AutoCAD Inventor Professional Suite 2010 32 and 64 bit $249.95
AutoCAD Inventor Routed Systems Suite 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
AutoCAD Inventor Simulation Suite 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
AutoCAD Inventor Suite 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2009 32 and 64 bit $229.95
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2008 $199.95
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 $39.95
LightWave 3d 9.6 $129.95
Logic Express 8 $69.95
Logic Express 9 $79.95
Logic Studio 8 Full Pack with Content $199.95
Logic Studio 9 Full Pack with Content $159.95
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 $79.95
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom $79.95
AutoCAD Land Desktop 2009 32 bit $185.95
Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard $29.95
Mac OS X v10.5.6 Leopard $69.95
Snow Leopard Server 10.6 $239.95
Mac OS X Server v10.5.4 Unlimited-client license $229.95
MAGIX 3D Maker $19.95
MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab 15 deluxe $29.95
MAGIX Digital Photo Maker 8 $25.95
McAfee VirusScan for Mac $9.95
Digital Photo Maker 9 $29.95
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection $329.95
3ds Max 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
3ds Max Design 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 32 bit $189.95
AutoCAD Mechanical 2009 32 and 64 bit $189.95
AutoCAD Revit MEP Suite 2009 32 and 64 bit $189.95
Autodesk 3ds Max 2009 32 and 64 bit $189.95
Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2009 32 and 64 bit $189.95
Autodesk Map 3d 2006 $79.95
3ds Max 2008 $169.95
AutoCAD Mechanical 2008 $169.95
AutoCAD MEP 2008 $169.95
4Media DVD Ripper Ultimate 5 for Mac $29.95
Aimersoft Total Media Converter 2 for Mac $29.95
Natso Backup Server 5.1 $69.95
Natso Backup Workstation 5.1 $29.95
NBA 2k10 $9.95
Need for Speed. Shift $25.95
Nero 9 Reload $39.95
Nik Software Complete Collection Ultimate Edition $79.95
Norton 360 Version 3.0 Premier Edition $49.95
Norton Ghost 14 $39.95
Norton Ghost 15 $39.95
Norton PartitionMagic 8.0 $39.95
Nuance OmniPage Professional 17 $99.95
Nuance PaperPort 12 $39.95
Nuance PaperPort Professional 12 $69.95
Nuance PDF Converter Enterprise 6 $69.96
Nuance PDF Converter Professional 6 $39.95
Nuance ScanSoft PaperPort 11 Professional $69.95
Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
Autodesk Navisworks Review 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
Autodesk Navisworks Simulate 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
Office 2003 Professional (including Publisher 2003) $59.95
Office Enterprise 2007 $79.95
Office Home and Student 2007 $49.95
Office Professional 2007 $69.95
Office Small Business 2007 $69.95
Office System Professional 2003 (5 Cds) $69.95
Office Ultimate 2007 $99.95
Office XP Professional 2002 $49.95
ONENOTE 2003 PRO $39.95
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Resolume Avenue 3 for MAC

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:38 AM PST

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ZBrush 3 for MAC $79.95

Springsteen Wants Name Off ASCAP Lawsuit Against NYC Bar; Ratings Setback For U.K. Digital Radio

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:28 AM PST

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February 5, 2010

Springsteen Wants Name Off Royalty Lawsuit Against NYC Bar
Bruce Springsteen wants his name off a lawsuit demanding licensing fees from a Manhattan bar where a band played his songs.

Ratings Setback For U.K. Digital Radio Switchover
The outlook for digital switchover for U.K. radio in 2015 has taken a blow with the latest audience research figures.

Miley Cyrus To Play Rock In Rio Madrid
Miley Cyrus is to play her first concert in Spain at the Rock in Rio Madrid 2010 festival on June 6, an event which organizer Roberto Medina says will be dedicated to the family on that day.

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Heloise's Hints: Have Leftover Soup

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:24 AM PST

Logo Beliefnet Heloises Hints

Today's Hint

Heloise and Cabernet, her mini-Schnauzer, who was the Grand Marshall of the Pooch Parade for the Delta Society event in San Antonio, Texas during Fiesta.
Have Leftover Soup?

Don't throw out. Instead pour it into ice cube trays, cover and then freeze. When frozen, remove from trays and put into freezer-safe bags. When you want a fast cup of soup, pop a couple soup cubes into cup or bowl and heat.

For more Hints, visit

This cheap but invaluable product can save you tons of money on beauty products, kitchen cleaners and home deodorizers. All these hints and many more baking soda hints are in my 6-page pamphlet, "Heloise’s Baking Soda Hints And Recipes." Click here to order.

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